Polaroid Case Essay

Words: 1856
Pages: 8

Polaroid Case Objectives

* Introduces the construction and use of statistical process control (SPC) charts and an understanding of the relationship between SPC and conformance quality.

* Creating the strategy and implementation steps for transforming an operation from inspection-based to one that relies on statistically controlled process.

* Understanding the complex human and organizational problems that occur when the basic operating philosophy is changed.

* Applying quality tools to assess the root causes of defect problems.

* Understanding the limits of product sampling and inspection methods, especially for a product that is destroyed by the inspection process itself


In the mid 1980s,

Moreover, this seems to be a substantial problem, as these limits are violated frequently.
Exhibit 5 shows the graphs for finger-height and pod-weight in each shift. The pod weight graphs for Shift A, B and C shows that processes are in control. Finger height graphs for shift B shows that...
Polaroid Case

I. We Need Greenlight ' But for Which Reason?

Quality control of film cartridges on R2 was a routine process, but the QC department found that there are some discrepancies between the defect rate of QC auditors and the Operators. Defects were being passed through the entire manufacturing process unnoticed. While pre-existing measurements at quality control showed low overall defect rates, there were complications in the process and interference from operators that affected QC numbers. Project Greenlight was initially necessary to allow for accurate measurement of processes and quality control during the process as opposed to the end of the process.

Once implemented, Greenlight would serve to measure and identify manufacturing process steps that were not in control and might produce defects. While necessary to provide a clear understanding of quality control through each step of the manufacturing process, upper management seemed less interested in Greenlight’s success as a source of continual improvement and more in its ability to cut personnel from the quality control side. Greenlight