Complete the lab located at the following web address.
Complete the table below and answer the questions that follow. You should use the answers provided in the lab! No two students’ answers should be the same. If this occurs, both students will receive a zero for the lab. Completion of the lab will count as both a participation grade and as an activity grade. Labs should be submitted no later than 3 PM Thursday, March 12, 2015 via the Photosynthesis Lab Dropbox on D2L. Ten points (per day, beginning at 3:01 pm) will be deducted for all late submissions.
Table 1: Plant Growth Under Different Color Filters
For questions 1-10, use the introduction and data from the virtual lab you completed above.
1. What is photosynthesis?
a. Photosynthesis is when plants get the solar energy from the sun to produce food for themselves.
2. Why do plants need the food they make?
a. The food plants make is essential for them because it helps them survive. The cells and organelles use this food to carry out specific tasks need to make sure the plants survive.
3. Make a hypothesis about which color in the visible spectrum causes the most plant growth and which color in the visible spectrum causes the least plant growth.
a. My hypothesis is that if the light is green the plants won’t grow but if the light is or a color closer to the light prism like violet the plant will grow best. Also the flower in the middle will grow the tallest due to it being directly under the light rather than the side.
4. White light from the sun is a mixture of what six colors?
a. When a white light is reflected from a prism it will show up red, violet, green, orange, blue and yellow.
5. Is light absorbed or reflected by pigments?
a. Light can be reflected or absorbed it color presented.
6. Why are most plants green?
a. Most plants are green due chlorophyll in the cell is reflected out and all other are absorbed.
7. Describe your experiment to test your hypothesis. Be sure to include the growth period of your plants. Which variables did you control in your experiment and which variables did you change in order to compare your growth rates?
a. Fo these experiment, I used an radish, spinach and lettuce
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