Photoshop Note Essay examples

Submitted By philliosepher
Words: 2983
Pages: 12

Chapter 1: Getting start with Adobe Photoshop CS5
Digital image--- In PS, a digital image may be referred to as a file, document, graphic, picture, or image.
Image editing--- An image editing program allows you to manipulate graphic images, so that they can be posted on web or reproduced by professional printers using full-color process.
Flatten --- An irreversible process that combines all layers and reduce the file size.
Pixels--- Image is made up of very small squares---pixels. Each pixel represents a color or shade. Can be added, deleted or modified.
Logo--- A logo is a distinctive image that you can create by combining symbols, shape, colors and text.
Type--- Create and format text
Splash screen--- A window that contains information about the software
Chart of file format:
3D studio----------.3ds Photoshop encapsulated postscript---.eps
Bitmap------.bmp Photoshop PDF------.pdf
Cineon------.cin PICT file------.pct .pic .pict
Dicom------.dcm Pixar------.pxr
Filmstrip------.flm .mp4
Google Earth-----.kmz Radance-----.hdr
Graphic Interchange Format-.gif RAW------Varies
JPEG picture foemat----.jpg .jpe .jpeg ScitexCT---.sct
PC paint brush-----.pcx Tagged Image Format--.tif .tiff
Photoshop------.psd Targa------.tga .vda
Camera RAW formats:
Camera RAW formats is determined by your camera manufactory
Adobe-----.dng Canon-----.crw .cr2 Epson-----.erf Fuji-----.raf
Kodak-----.kdc .dcr .dcs Minolta-----.mrw Nikon-----.nef Olympus-----.orf
Pentax-----.ptx .pef Sigma-----x3f Sony-----.arw .srf .sr2

Preferences--- Preferences are options you can set that are based on your work habits
Adobe Bridge--- A stand-alone APP that serves as the hub for the Adobe CS suits
Workspace--- A area within the PS window that includes the entire window from the command menus at the top to the status bar at the bottom
Tools panel--- The tools panel contains tools associated with frequently used PS commands.
Options bar--- Options bar is Located directly under the APP bar. Display the current settings for each tool.
Panels--- Sometimes called Palettes. Are small windows used to verify settings and modify image. By default, Panels appear in stacked groups at the right side of the window.
Dock--- Dock is the dark gray bar above the collection of Panels
Drop Zone--- An area where you can move a panel
Status bar--- Located at the bottom of the program window, when images are flouting, the status bar is at the bottom of each individual image. It displays the info. Such as the file size
Rulers--- Help you precisely measure and position an object in the work space. Open on View menu
Shortcut Key 快捷键
Workspace switcher--- To create a customized workspace. On the APP bar
Hidden tools: Press and hold the mouse button until a list of hidden tools appears. Then release the mouse button HotKey:Shift+tool hotkey
Tool preset picker--- Click to open the tool preset picker list arrow on the options bar.
Setting preference--- Click edit on the APP bar, point to preference, then click interface. Click the open document as tabs check box to deselect then press ok

How to show the hide panels--- If necessary, click the swatches tab to make sure the swatches panel active. Then click the collapse to Icons arrow in the dock, to collapse the panel. Then click the expand panels arrow on the dock to expand the panels. Click window on the APP bar then click swatches to deselect it.

Create a customized workspace because it is used later in the book.
-----1.Click window on the APP bar, click history, then drag the newly displayed panel in the dark gray line, beneath the students panel.
-----2.Click window on the App bar. Point to workspace, then click new workspace
-----3. Type the name in the box, then verify that only panel locations will be saved.