Essay on Phi 105 Week 7

Submitted By padillaman
Words: 454
Pages: 2

Eastern Religious Philosopher Quotations


Axia College of University of Phoenix

Using the list of philosophers provided by your facilitator, select a quotation that best represents each of the philosophers. Explain why this quotation is an accurate representation of the philosophers’ ideas, historical significance and key contributions. Include at least one reference other than the text.

Siddhartha Gautama Buddha - The quotation that best represents this philosopher would be “Human suffering can be ended by ending human desire”. This is an accurate description of his ideas, as he watched those enduring suffering in many forms, he then choose to suffer by fasting and meditating in a distant forest away from his family. After suffering and meditating and almost dying, he realized there has to be a median place and this is what he set out to do.

Lau Tzu – The quotation that best represents this philosopher would be “Therefore the sage manages affairs without doing anything, and conveys his instructions without the use of speech”. This is a great representation of Lau Tzu as there was very little known about him. He frees himself of selfish desires where all is one, and by doing so he acquires the secrets of both the quiet and the long lasting life. The quote says what he represents in his life.

Mencius – The quote that best represents this philosopher would be “Each person has the potential for becoming perfect: doing so is a matter of recovering his lost mind and forgotten heart; it is a matter of thinking and feeling naturally, a matter of following intuition and conscience. Being second only to Confucius himself with his feelings on the quality of life during his time, I think that this quote says everything about him. He never lost his optimism about the possibility of human betterment. He believed that anything tended properly will grow and