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Psychology & Health
Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information: Type a behaviour, social contact and coronary death a a
John Spicer , Rodney Jackson & Robert Scragg
Department of Psychology , Massey University , Palmerston North,
New Zealand b Department of Community Health , University of Auckland School of Medicine , Auckland, New Zealand
Published online: 19 Dec 2007.
To cite this article: John Spicer , Rodney Jackson & Robert Scragg (1996) Type a behaviour, social contact and coronary death, Psychology & Health, 11:5, 733-743, DOI: 10.1080/08870449608405001
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Psychology and Health, 1995, Vol. 11, pp. 733-743
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0 1996 OPA (Overseas Publishers Association)
Amsterdam B.V. Published in The Netherlands by Hanvood Academic Publishers GmbH
Printed in Malaysia
Downloaded by [Charles Sturt University] at 05:47 09 August 2014
'Department of Psychology, Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand and
Department of Community Health, University of Auckland School of Medicine,
Auckland, New Zealand
(Received 9 October, 1994; in final form 13 February, 1995)
The risk of coronary death associated with Type A behaviour (Framingham definition) and social contact was examined using a retrospective case-control design. Logistic regression analysis of 134 male cases and 339 controls showed that increased risk was associated with Type B behaviour, and independently with limited social contact. Discussion focuses on issues surrounding the use of retrospective, proxy data; and on the speculation that Type A behaviour may increase risk of non-fatal coronary events, but protect against coronary death.
KEY WORDS: Type A behaviour, social contact, coronary death.
Many studies have been published on the association between Type A behaviour (TAB) and the non-fatal manifestations of coronary heart disease (CHD): myocardial infarction (MI) and angina. The findings are mixed and controversial, but are generally interpreted as showing that at least some aspects of the pattern, notably hostility and hard-driving competitiveness, increase non-fatal CHD risk in healthy populations (e.g.