Personal Application 4 Essay

Submitted By Jdiaz108E
Words: 1130
Pages: 5

MAR6805 Marketing Management

!Personal Application 4

Academic Honesty Policy
Individual Assignment Cover Page


Submitted to:

Cecilia Alvarez, PhD

Submitted by:

Jennifer Diaz

Your Phone Number:


Your e-mail:

Date of Submission:

May 3, 2015

CERTIFICATION OF AUTHORSHIP: I certify that I am the author of this paper and that any assistance I received in its preparation is fully acknowledged and disclosed in the paper. I have also cited any sources from which I used data, ideas or words; either quoted directly or paraphrased I also certify that this paper was prepared by me specifically for this course.





The objective of this assignment is to go beyond theory to provide you with the necessary tools to apply the marketing concepts presented during the week to your consumer experience or to your organization or the industry in which it operates.
At the completion of this assignment you will achieve the following module objectives:

✓ Identify and explain the appropriate price strategies according to the product life-cycle.
✓ Distinguish the differences between the various types of distribution channels.



Each student will research the assignment and post his/her response individually by the due date on the corresponding group forum (always on Sunday before midnight). Read the syllabus for a list of important points to follow.


You will have three days to respond to other students’ contributions challenging others’ postings; helping others understand a concept through experiences, examples, and explanations; commenting on others’ postings and contributing value to the learning. The MINIMUM number of participation postings is TWO.

©2014 Florida International University

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MAR6805 Marketing Management

The following rubric will be used to grade your work.





Adequate course concepts are highlighted and
Incorporation of connected to the
Course Concepts application, showing good understanding. (26-40 points)

Some course concepts are highlighted or connected to the application, showing some understanding. (11-25 points)

Course concepts are not highlighted nor connected to the application.

Adequate analysis; shows real depth of understanding of main
Quality of issue(s) and its
implication, arguments
Critical Thinking well supported with details. (26-40 points)

Some analysis, main issue(s) understood but not analyzed adequately, some details.

Inadequate analysis, main issue(s) not understood, not much details

Responded towards the end. Showed some interaction with others.

Posted original submission late. Showed no interaction with others.
(0-7 points)


Responded well within time so that others can benefit from posting.

!(15-20 points)

(11-25 points)
!(7-15 points)

!(0-10 points)
!(0-10 points)



In this personal application assignment you will work on one product category or service offered by the organization you work for. If this is not possible, select one product of an organization in which you have worked before, or an organization you would like to work for in the future.
1) Evaluate the pricing strategy of the product (refer to Chapter 8). Describe the pricing strategy employed. As a young growing professional, I can truthfully say the one product that has saved me throughout all my lengthy days at work or during my undergraduate degree has been Coffee. Now a great example to this product is the well known organization, Starbucks. Starbucks coffee pricing strategy evolves from a simple idea, providing high quality value at a moderate cost. Altogether as an organization, they must strictly maintain quality control in how they source their coffee as well as maintaining good customer service, in order to justify their product cost. Starbucks pricing strategy deals