Perception and Auditory Learners Essay

Submitted By Andrew-Truong
Words: 797
Pages: 4

An experiment was carried out amongst first year psychology undergraduate students to determine (PUT AIM HERE). Participants (N=650) were to complete an audio-visual task and a VARK questionnaire. Out of the two hypotheses, the results supported that both visual and auditory learners with the congruent component attained a higher proportion of correctness. (FINSIH OFF)
(Background information) (Describe what happens during the McGUrk effect). Yet it is still unclear how a person’s preferred sensory modality during learning has an influence on the McGurk effect. According to The McGurk Effect (McGurk &MacDonald, 1976), is an auditory illusion where one sound is paired with a visual component (video footage) of an actor producing a different sound which leads the listener to misperceive the sound and interpret as another.
The present study aimed to determine whether there is a link between the two kinds of learners and the response to stimulus. (REDO AIM). The study manipulated 2 variables with independent variable: group (visual learners vs. auditory learners) and congruency (congruent audio-visual vs. incongruent audio-visual) with the dependent variable: proportion of sounds that we identified. (LINK TO PREVIOUS STUDIES). It was hypothesized that both visual and auditory learners with a congruent component would show higher proportion of correctness. It was also hypothesized that visually preferred learners would perform better than the auditory preferred learners.
The 650 participants in this study consisted of first year undergraduate psychology students from the University of New South Wales (UNSW). The student dyads consisted of 256 males and 394 females and a mean age of 19.6 years (SD = 3.0). Participation by the students was compulsory as a part of their course requirement.
Apparatus and materials.
The 64 audio visual clips were designed to measure the proportion of sounds that were identified correctly throughout the experiment. The audio visual clips were delivered on computer terminals in the Mathew’s building labs using Inquisit software (Millisecond Software, Seattle). Sounds were delivered through standard issue headphones. Within the clips, the audio of the 2 actors (1 male, 1 female) performing the actions of saying ‘ba’, ‘ga’, ‘da’, or ‘fa’ was simultaneously dubbed over with a visual of the actor saying either ‘ba’, ‘ga’, ‘da’, or ‘fa’. Each recording was played twice. The 13-item VARK questionnaire was designed to ascertain a participant’s sensory modality in which they prefer learning. The items were designed to measure the activities in the four scales: visual, aural, reading and kinaesthetic. (how were they selected what kind of scores or scales). Higher scores indicate that the individual tends to either prefer or prioritize information in either one or a combination of the sensory domain (Visual, Aural, Reading, Kinaesthetic).
A demographic data sheet was provided that asked for information such as gender, age and handedness was also included with the student’s consent form in order to participate in the experiment.
All 650 student participants were instructed to view all 64 audio-visual clips. Each clip consisted of an actor uttering a single syllable three times consecutively with the audio being either congruent or incongruent with the video component displayed for