Paradigm Shift Essay

Submitted By justinjayhughes1990
Words: 497
Pages: 2

A technology currently in use is nanotechnology. Nanotechnology, also called molecular manufacturing, is "a branch of engineering that deals with the design and manufacture of extremely small electronic circuits and mechanical devices built at the molecular level of matter." The goal of nanotechnology is to be able to manipulate materials at the atomic level to build the smallest possible electromechanical devices. (The Ethics of Nanotechnology)
In the future dentistry and periodontal practice may become more high-tech and more effective looking to manage individual dental health on a microscopic level by enabling us to battle decay where it begins with bacteria. Researchers are looking at ways to use microscopic entities to perform tasks that are now done by hand or with equipment. In health care and medicine biological nanosensors are being developed in the next 5 years and will be used for fast and accurate diagnostics. Further ahead, nanotechnology may be used to build artificial muscle and 'lab on a chip' technology will develop more efficient drug discovery processes. (The future) (Future impact of nanotechnology on medicine and dentistry)
A research in Perdue University states that, Nanotechnology can also be used to create a “cloaking device”. It is a device that can let light pass through and object that is behind it, rendering the object behind it invisible. In the future the same article might be converted into a completely functional cloaking device, which can have limitless applications. (The Future of Nanotechnology)
Nanotechnology can have a significant impact on the environment. For instance, nanometer sized solar cells could be developed to provide much of the energy needed around the world and nanomaterial’s will increase the efficiency of fuel cells and batteries. In the future nanotechnology will be used to tackle environmental problems. New 'green' processing technologies will minimize the generation of undesirable by-product effluents by curbing emissions. (The future)
Simply extending today's weapon capabilities by miniaturizing guns, explosives, and electronic components of missiles would be deadly