Running Own Business or Work for Company In today’s uncertain economy it’s not easy to start a business. There are many ups and downs in business, starting a business require a lot of thinking and research. It requires commitment and dedication towards a business. To run a business, you should have knowledge of market, management skills, and know the importance of relationship between you and your customers. When you start your business, you have to find clients and work for yourself. First of all, you have to invest a lot of money. Either its legal paper documents, or to operate with employees. You have to find good and safe location to run business well. Along with knowledge and skills, to start a business a lot of invest is required, if your financial stable and you can handle the risk and you are ready to face up and downs in business, than you can start your own business. Profits or losses directly affect to the owner. It is unpredictable if your business is going to be successful or a loss. When you own a business you have the responsibilities to train your employees, you to look after the inventory, pay checks for employees, and all the legal paper work and taxation. You have the power to decide anything for your business. Even finding a job these days is not easy. To have a job in company, you need to have skills and knowledge for the position you are applying for. There is no certainty working in a company, if company is doing badly, you might get fired
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