In this report we make individual summary of each lectures. This report is all about what we have learned from this course. From the first lecture to the last lecture, we learned every topic not only organizational perspective but also related with our daily life. This course helps us from making our personality to the dealing with the people having different personalities and behaviors. The course ‘Organizational Behavior’ in which we aware a lot of things that why employees and employers use OB concepts at workplace. 1. Organizational Behavior In the first chapter of organizational behavior we learn that what is organization and how they work first of all the most important thing in organization is to work in coordination because it is the We have learned different types of groups, and the group development process (forming, storming, norming, performing, adjourning). In group different people come together and meet for the first time, from different cultural, status and they have their own norms. First they set their ground rules and leader starts to lead them towards achievement of the goals. To make group member comfortable towards work leader have to cancel all the negative powers in their group. Negative power might be status differences, culture differences, ethnic problems, leader and members try to avoid all these negativities and to give full attention towards the work. In group size matters, in large group (many group members) there is the problem of social loafing. Other than social loafing there are conformity pressures too. In punctuated equilibrium model we came to know the different working behavior of group members, they work according to the deadline of their There are two powers, formal power and personal power. In formal power we have learned about the coercive power, reward power, and legitimate power, formal power refers to those people who have a position in an organization. Other is personal power which consists of expert power and referent power. Personal power is people’s own skills, experience of work and ability to influence others. The main key to power is dependency. More ‘B’ depends on ‘A’ person the more ‘A’ has the power over ‘B’. The dependency creates by the important resource person hold and nonsubstitutabilitity. The preferred powers for upward, downward, and lateral influencers are rational persuasion, inspirational appeal, pressure, legitimacy, consultation, integration,
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