Essay on Syllabus: Roger Williams University and Organization Dynamics

Submitted By MelissaMahall
Words: 1177
Pages: 5

Roger Williams University
Master’s of Public Administration
Master’s of Science in Leadership

LEAD 511/PA 502 Dr. Michael Hall
Spring 2013 SOONERS1

Course Description: Organization Dynamics is a core course in both the MPA and the Master’s of Science in Leadership curricula. The course seeks to create knowledge of both the principle and practical kinds. Determinants of organization success are the foundation of the course. Of particular importance, are the lessons on organization design and organization structure. Additional attention will be given to important organization environment factors impacting on organization structure and design, strategy. The systems approach will be emphasized in all these areas. The course will cover concepts in all of these areas. The course will also involve the areas of team building, communication, organization culture, and leadership all of which affect organization dynamics.

Course Aims
1. develop a clear understanding of how organization design and structure affect organization dynamics.
2. develop and/or refine research, analysis, and reasoning skills to assess an organization’s performance
3. analyze organization dynamics associated with performance, strategy, teambuilding, and leadership

Instructor Information
Dr. Michael Hall, Director
MPA and Leadership Programs
Roger Williams University
150 Washington Street
Suite 210, Room D
Providence, Rhode Island 0903-9998
(410) 254 746

Course Text
Organization Theory and Design, Robert Daft, 11th Edition

Course Delivery
LEAD/PA 511/502 is a graduate level directed seminar. Students will participate in class and online. Distance students in the Eastern Time Zone will be expected to attend class sessions using the ELLUMINATE Live software. Distance students in other time zones can participate asynchronously using the recorded class sessions from ELLUMINATE Live.
All students will participate on all discussion fora. Discussion fora or discussion boards are posted for specific periods of time. Students are expected to participate in all fora while they are available. All discussion boards/fora are graded.

The course will also consist of in class exercises, group work, lectures, and discussions. All of this work is to be followed by discussion about it on appropriate discussion board/forum.

Computer Camera and Microphone
All students must have a functional microphone and camera for the computers they will use outside of class.
Students should review the Roger Williams University Technology Policy. The policy statement is on the university website.

Course Grading
A Excellent
B Good
C Minimum
F Unacceptable

The grade of A means the student can solve problems other people cannot.
The grade of B means the student has understanding and preparation sufficient for the student to achieve competence in the subject area
The grade of C means the student has achieved a level of understanding above that of an undergraduate. The grade of F means the student did not achieve a level of proficiency to be qualified as a graduate student.

Course Topics
Organization Structure Defined
Organization Design Defined
Organization and Performance
a. Defining Organization Performance
b. Defining Organization Excellence
Organization Culture and Organization Dynamics
a. Creating and expectation of Performance Excellence
b. Creating Excellence in and among Organization Members
Creating Work Design for Excellence
a. Physical Space Design
b. Social Structure Design: Using the Informal Organization and Teams
Organizational Excellence and Relationships
Managing Change
Healthy Leadership
Sustaining Organizational Excellence

Scoring for Assignments
Learning Log/Blog 5%
Quiz 1 5%
Quiz 2 5%
Discussion Fora 15%
Midterm Reflections 10%
Chapter Presentations 20%