Essay about organ transplant system

Submitted By drmonisha
Words: 329
Pages: 2

ystem in any country. Australia has a very high reputation for successful transplant outcomes and is a world leader in developed countries for good organ and tissue transplant and donation system. Since 1965, more than 30,000 Australians have received life-saving or life-improving organ and tissue transplants ( website). Despite a well-organized system, Australia has one of the lowest organ and tissue donation rates in the developed world (DonateLife, 2011).
Authorities and Organisations:
The Organ and Tissue Authority of Australia was established on 1 January, 2009 as a part of the National Reform Agenda. It is an independent statutory Authority within the Australian Government Health and Aging Portfolio. The Authority partners with states, territories, clinicians, consumers and community and further establishes an approach to organ and tissue donation for transplantation, which is nationally coordinated and consistent (NHMRC, 2007). For the same purpose, the Authority is also responsible for providing the non-government organizations with funding.
The Australasian Transplant Coordinators Association (ATCA): Prior to creation if the Authority, the allocation of organs for transplantation was guided by state-specific guidelines, local hospital protocols, and procedures and protocols developed by the ATCA and Transplant Society of Australia and New Zealand (TSANZ). ATCA co-ordinates and further promotes the collaboration and communication amongst the individual organ and tissue donor and transplant coordinators in Australia and New Zealand. It works in