Outcome 1: Know about different types of office equipment and its uses
1.1 Identify the different types of equipment and their uses
phones & e-mail allow people to contact you. Computers allow you to process business data, send pictures, pdf files and other files to customers, and vendors. Computers to design ads, budgets, as well as tracking and paying employees. printers and copiers to bulk create documents in the least expensive way possible. Hole punches to allow paperwork to be placed in binders or small folders easily. Answering machines to pick up missed calls. Post it notes to add By printing on both sides of paper, the cost of paper is decreased by half. It can also maximise space in the office, by having less paper supplies around the office, more space becomes available in its place.
Outcome 4: Know about the different types of problems that may occur when using equipment and how to deal with them
4.1 Give examples of equipment problems
Technical faults can happen regularly in an office where lots of equipment is used in one place. Faults can include power shortages, phone line faults and technical faults on computers. Other faults can include issues with the printers or copiers and also issues with shortages of stationary. In order to prevent these issues, regular checks should be carried out on stocks and also the electrical equipment.
4.2 Explain why you should follow manufacturer’s instruction and organisation procedures when dealing with problems
Manufacturer’s instructions ensure you are using the equipment in the right way and so reduces the chances or breakages via using the equipment wrongly. Organisations procedures make sure that the equipment is being used appropriately and so only the things that need to be printed or copied should be. Both of these should help prevent problems, but should also help you deal with problems when they arise.
4.3 Give examples of how to deal with problems
A technical issue should
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| Copyright of this material is reserved to the Crown in the right of the State of New South Wales. Reproduction or transmittal in whole, or in part, other than in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright Act, is prohibited without written authority of TAFE NSW - North Coast Institute. Disclaimer: In compiling the information contained within, and accessed through, this document ("Information") DET has used its best endeavours to ensure that the Information is correct and current…
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