Standard 7 Cornerways CWDC Induction Professional Development With Tasks 2 Essay
Submitted By Marteen-Johnson
Words: 4693
Pages: 19
Standard 7
This standard aims to help prepare you to make the most of the support and development opportunities that will be available to you as a worker. This is important for your own career and well-being and to help you provide the highest standard of care possible.
You will be expected to show that you know how to access and use information and supervision systems in your organisation.
You will be expected to show that you understand the importance of your own learning and development as part of your job role and career path.
This induction is the first learning and development milestone in your new role. When you have achieved the CWDC induction standards, your manager/supervisor will complete the certificate at the back of the workbook, including what further standards you need to achieve. Standard 7 is about making this induction the beginning rather than the end of your development as a worker in the children and young people’s workforce. This standard links to Standards 1-6 and is about building up a body of knowledge which will enhance your skills as a member of the children and young people’s workforce.
By completing this standard you will also be demonstrating a commitment to the CWN vision and principles for induction to the children and young people’s workforce.
Area of knowledge 1: YOUR ROLE & REGISTRATION
Learning outcomes
All care staff and managers attend individual supervision monthly. This provides support, management of your role, personal development and a confidential arena in which to raise any work related issues/topics or training needs. Your supervisor will draw up a contract with you to set the criteria for supervision.
Reference: Procedure No. F2 Staff Management
Learning outcomes
Understand the purpose of staff supervision in your work environment.
Know the staff support or supervision arrangements available to you.
Understand how your work may affect you personally, and where you can get support in dealing with this if necessary.
The following questions are designed to assist the worker in identifying how he/she responds to, and manages, situations, how to benefit from supervision and support services and how to identify responsibility for managing his/her own health and safety.
a. Give four examples of the type of problems or issues you would need to discuss in supervision.
Personal development (training)
Safe practise / professional practise
Staff management
Staff support
b. What do you expect to gain from supervision?
To be Supported by management in safeguarding and promoting the welfare of the young women and to understand the importance of continuing my personal and professional development.
c. How is supervision organised and how frequently does it take place in your organisation
A supervision agreement must be understood between the supervisee and supervisor on monthly basis or as needed and recorded in the supervision log signed and dated.
d. Give four examples of ways in which your work may affect you personally, for each example, explains where you could get support in dealing with it.
· Emotional impact of distressing situations such as the fire incident my manager and deputy were able to discuss with me my feeling and thought on the matters and help me to find strategies to manage my emotions in a professional manner.
· Post incident support in the event of having to physically intervene where there is likelihood of significant harm opportunity for restorative justice to ensure working relationships with the young person are not fractured.
· Unable to personally meet a young person’s needs due to lack of training and experience my manager and colleagues could share their experience or i could be given details of relevant training which may meet my needs