KimTuyen Le B4
Nuclear Power Plant Persuasive Essay
Nuclear power has been around since the first atomic plant was made operational on
December 2, 1942. These plants are an efficient way of producing electricity. They can power every electronic item we use today, from TV’s to computers and everything in between. As great as they may seem, how do we deal with the radioactive waste left over? The answer is, we don’t.
Until we find a better way of dealing with this waste, we should hold off on converting fossil fuel plants to nuclear. As of today, there is no real way to dispose of nuclear waste. While theories of ridding our earth of this harmful radioactive substance vary, the many attempts, have included everything from burying it, to sending it out of our orbit into space. The most popular method to date seems to be “long term storage.” But what exactly does the “long term storage” mean? It means storing air tight barrels of nuclear waste in facilities until they lose their potency. As good as this method may sound, the process can take up to 20,000 years. This means that the waste storage facilities will have to be secured from robbers, terrorists, and the effects of nature for a period of time in which not only their designers will die, but possibly the countries in which they are located in could crumble. Other, more reasonable methods include transmutation, a process in which toxic elements are transformed into less toxic substances. For instance, plutonium
Brown Period 3 March 25, 2015 Nuclear Energy Nuclear energy is one of most potential energy resource available right. Nuclear Energy is one of the most potential energy in the world. There is only 100 nuclear power plant operating during 2014, but they produce 5.5% of total electricity in the world. The Nuclear fuel, uranium, is a radioactive element. Nuclear energy has a lot of advantage. First, uranium, nuclear fuel, is a high energy element. Second, Nuclear power plant doesn’t emit carbon dioxide…
Nuclear power plants provide the most economically efficient, safe, and sustainable source of power generation available to our generation; however it comes with it’s own set of issues that must be dealt with to mitigate any potential harm to the environment or population. One of the larger issues is that once the reactor has attained initial criticality, it is never truly “off”. The reactor will still produce heat due to decay of non-stable isotopes within it caused by fission. Because decay…
Nuclear power in Japan 1a) Nuclear power in Japan is really important for the country as Japan is struggling with the rising imports. A reason why Japan needs nuclear power is because they import around 84% of its energy supplies and they only have a few natural resources of their own. Originally Japan was reliant on fossil fuel imports, mainly oil coming from the Middle East. This was important as oil fuelled around 66% of the electricity in 1974. In 1973 there was an oil shock which made fuel…
The Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant Disaster It is a silent enemy, it has no odor, no smell, no shape, yet it is one of man’s deadliest foes. Radiation is not something most people face on a daily basis, but for the town of Prypiat in the Ukraine it is a barren wasteland because of it. The Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant disaster was the worst nuclear catastrophe to have ever occurred and, is a perfect example of what can happen when the blind and unmasked furry of atomic power is left unharnessed…
and with one flick the lights are turned on; but have you ever stopped to think where the power comes from when we flip a switch? What powers the electricity and how is that power emitted into our homes each and every day? Most homes rely on electricity to power “refrigerators, space and water heaters, lighting, and power appliances and equipment.” (Electricity Explained) I rely on electricity to power most of these items in my home; without them I would not be able to heat the water for a shower…
2012 Nuclear power planning committee, London. LD1 3TB. Dear Sir/Madam, As a result of the current discussion to having a nuclear power plant built in our area, I have outlined some of the advantages and disadvantages or this energy source. Nuclear power can be seen advantageous due to the fact it emits relatively low amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2). The emissions of green house gases are low and therefore the contribution of nuclear power plants to global…
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English II 12/10/12 Nuclear Power: The Solution When people think of nuclear power, they think of something dangerous and unnatural, something that must not be tampered with, lest we go too far and kill or harm innocent humans. This dangerous reputation is not well supported, and much evidence exists that not only supports it as safe, but as the solution to the US’s energy crisis. Reserves of oil are running out, while demand will only increase rapidly. Fuel for nuclear power is plentiful. Many…
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