We do not believe that North Korea is a legitimate threat to our nation’s national security at the present time. While the North Korean government is a threat to its own people as well as our allies in their region, they are neither likely nor capable of attacking the United States. This is because the United States is far stronger with regards to our military, and we have the capability to destroy the whole country of North Korea within days. Furthermore, North Korea would not receive anything if they were to attack the US or it’s allies, so there is no real incentive or motivation for them to attack the United States or any of our allies unless they were suicidal and irrational. Additionally, it is not clear that North Korea holds the capability to deliver a nuclear warhead within a missile into US soil. Consequently, there is no evidence that North Korea poses an immediate threat to American national security.
Both assertive and determined diplomacy with North Korea has not achieved any results. All efforts to be assertive in diplomacy have been viewed as threats to North Korea. At the same time, determined attempts at diplomacy have been viewed as a sign of weakness, this faintness has led North Koreans to believe they can threaten other countries for food and other rashons without any repercussions. However, after receiving the aid, North Korea would raise more threats in order to obtain more rations. This led former defense secretary, Robert Gates to assert that it is important “to not buy the same horse twice.” As a result, in 2009 President Obama adopted a policy
North Korea Tests 3rd “Nuke” In today’s society warfare is always a scare. It is especially a scare when you wake up to the news saying one of your enemies is testing a nuclear bomb powerful enough to harm many innocent lives. This act done by North Korea is completely unacceptable and something should be done to prevent them from testing more and more weapons of mass destruction. After each test is performed over in North Korea, the Koreans celebrate the success of the production of these deadly…
When one thinks of North Korea, the first thoughts that pop into your head are certainly not “friendly, happy, and free”, but rather a description that proves to be drastically different. The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, or, more commonly known as North Korea, is considered to have one of the most controlling and repressive governments in the world. Some North Korean refugees have even described their own country as a massive prison. The United States and North Korea could not be more…
political agenda, as we see in North Korea today by their leader Kim Jong-un. In the documentary “Inside North Korea” by National Geographic and the book “Nothing to Envy” by Barbara Demick, we get an inside look at North Korea and the power of rhetoric as well as the difficult lives faced by North Koreans. In the documentary “Inside North Korea” by National Geographic, we see for the first time how powerful rhetoric can really be. Since the rise of Kim Jong-un, North Korea as a whole has turned their…
Korea: The North What is the difference between North Korea and South Korea? North Korea is communist country and is run by a dictator. The events happening in North Korea resembles those of World War II. Many say that after the incident of the Holocaust such horrible event wouldn’t happen again, but it has been proven wrong. Genocide is the killing of a certain race. The Holocaust is a good example because of its genocide against the Jews. The Holocaust happened during the World War II and was…
Mark Rogers North Korea Cooke-Economics April 5, 2012 North Korea a country under a strict dictatorship. Kim Jong-il took over in 1994 after his father had passed away. In his reign tensions have rose between North Korea and all other countries, he has built a huge military and everyone worships him. He has tried to gain nuclear power and was successful in doing so. In December of 2011 King Jong-il passed away and his son takes control of the country. In a video we watched by national geographic…
North Korea North Korea is a hot topic right now all around the world. From North Korea's threats to launch a Pre-Emptive nuclear strike against the U.S. and South Korea. This provocative stance North Korea is taking is important in world history because they have created a lot of conflict throughout the years and now they could actually start a nuclear war against the United States and South Korea. Since the beginning North Korea has had an anti-United states view since its creation in 1948.…
of North Korea? The world should be aware of North Korea because of all the problems within this country. North Korea’s communist regime is insane. Kim Jong IL has completely taken control of North Korea, commanding with a cruel and unjust hand, and although we are cautious of the potential threat he poses to the world, nothing is really being done to stop him. Not only is his threat to the rest of the world’s peace something to watch for, but we should also look at the lives of the North Koreans…
North Korea The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) has been attempting to develop nuclear technology since the end of the Korean War in 1950’s. Although North Korea has no operational power generating nuclear reactors, in 1965 the Soviets provided North Korea with research reactors. North Korea’s efforts to develop weapons of mass destruction were supported by the Soviets with technical assistance and supplies. Currently North Korea it’s believed to have developed nuclear weapons;…
Developing North Korea Since the end of the Korean War North Korea has been an isolated country under the rule of controversial dictators. Through times of famine and struggle the people of North Korea have always remained loyal to their beloved ruler as well as hostile towards their neighbors to the South. In modern times, North Korea has developed in its own ways. The economy has not changed and is still controlled by the strict government. The documentary “Inside North Korea” mentions that…
Duong 1 Trung Duong Professor Otsuji English 1A 29 November 2014 Songun – The Doubleedged Sword North Korea has known to be the most mysterious country in the world. Because North Korea is a communist country and is the only remaining Stalinist state, it maintains many strict policies. Songun, which is also known as “Military first” policy, is considered as a “doubleedged sword” since it has many favorable and unfavorable sides. While the policy has guaranteed the nation’s security, it has also made the nation to pursue the…