Needs Assessment Essays

Words: 906
Pages: 4

Pepsi’s Needs Assessment Paper November 27, 2011 By: Krystal M. Jackson HR 592 Professor: Bill Carnes

Introduction Every organization at some point must design a training and development program to make sure that the managers and employees get the skills that it would take to perform their job. In order to design a training and development program, the organization must conduct a need assessment. “Need assessment is the process used to determine if training is necessary; it also is the first step in the Instructional System Design model (Raymond A. Noe).” In order a training need assessment to be conducted, the training manager need to know the organization goals and objective, must know the jobs and its related tasks

Pepsi also offered associates the opportunity to attend professional conferences to enhance their skills. “Pepsi’s year-long proprietary career process includes objective-setting, performance and development reviews, development action plans, midyear reviews and 360-degree evaluations—all supported by training and materials. Executive leadership training focuses on helping high-potential managers learn to be more effective leaders and to gain a broader perspective on our business. All associates are included in some form of the performance management process across PepsiCo (” Pepsi’s 360-degree feedback is used to focus on building self-awareness by linking to a best-in-class personality assessment inventory. Pepsi also uses survey to help them find ways for improvement. With Pepsi being all over the world, it is important to Pepsi that every employee conduct the survey. Pepsi recognize the concerns of their employees and they look for