Nba Report Essay

Submitted By Snimalaraj1
Words: 3158
Pages: 13

Grade 12 Data Management ISP Essay

NBA Player’s Performance vs. Minutes Played per Game

Grade 12 Data Management Student Name Mr. Kartye May 22nd, 2007

Table of Contents



Plan and Methodology………………………………………………………………………….4, 5

Analysis………………………………………………………………………………………..5 – 8




Student Name ISP Essay Page 3 of 10

If average minute played per game is related to player's performance, then a player with better performance will play for more minutes per game.

In this ISP, I am trying to determine whether there is any relationship between average minute per game and a player’s performance. I believe that there is a distinct relationship between those two because starting players (better performance) generally play for more minutes than the bench players (mediocre performance) who mostly stay in the bench. I decided to determine the performance of an NBA player by their numerical values of various statistics. Those various statistics include PPG, RPG, APG, and TO. I decided to draw a scatter plot and a line of best fit for each statistics (X-axis) versus average minute played per game (Y-axis). The line of best fit can be used to calculate a coefficient of determination, which allows us to determine what kind of relationship is between the specific statistic and average minute played per game. If the value is high, there is a strong correlation, but if it is low, there is only a weak correlation. The analysis of a scatter plot of PPG and Min shows that the PPG strongly affects Min. The slope is positive and the coefficient of determination is 0.81, which explain that there is a strong positive correlation between PPG and Min. The analysis of a scatter plot of RPG and Min shows that the RPG somewhat affects Min. The slope is positive and the coefficient of determination is 0.45, which explains that there is a moderate positive correlation between RPG and Min. The analysis of a scatter plot of APG and Min shows that the APG somewhat affects Min. The slope is positive and the coefficient of determination is 0.45, which also explains that there is a moderate positive correlation between APG and Min. There is a strong positive correlation between TO and Min, which means that if a player commits more turnover, he will play for more minutes per game. It does not makes sense since a player who commits fewer turnover is considered as a good player in NBA. It should be negative to support my hypothesis. The slope is positive and the coefficient of determination is 0.71, which explains that there is a strong correlation between TO and Min. The analysis of TO vs. Min is the only analysis that disapproves my hypothesis. So in conclusion, a player with better performance, which includes PPG, RPG, and APGwill play for more minutes, with an exception of TO.

Student Name ISP Essay Page 4 of 10

National Basketball Association (NBA) has been a great entertainment for many generations of avid basketball fans. NBA players’ spectacular plays are what fuel the entertainment for the fans. As one of those avid basketball fans, I always loved to watch the NBA highlights that include last-minute buzzer beaters from downtown and fierce slam dunks. Most of the highlights are made by NBA superstars, who carry their whole team as a team leader and step up when they are needed. NBA superstars are usually the ones who have great performance. Since their impacts to the game are great, they are sorely needed in the game and usually play for the most of the game. Out of 48 minutes, starting players usually play for about 40 minutes per game. In the contrary to the superstars who have great performances, there are