Notes On The Director Of Tesco

Submitted By badboyz125
Words: 1187
Pages: 5

Director of Tesco

Marketing dirctor Group Operation director Group HR director Group Finanical dirctor Group Sales director Group

Store Managers Marketing Director Operations Director HR Director Financial Director Sales Director

Marketing Manager Operations Manager HR Manager Financial Manager Sales Manager

Marketing supervisor Operations supervisor HR supervisor financial supervisor Sales supervisor

Marketing Assistant Operation Assistant HR Assistant Financial Assistant Sales Assistant

A) School: Mr P Miss C Mr G Miss E

Head of Science Department Head of Maths Department Head of Business Department Head of Technology Department

Mr C Mr W Miss K Miss C Miss C Mr M Mr G Mr B

B) Definitions: Levels of hierarchy: The levels of hierarchy show the number of levels of management and supervision within a business. Spans of control: The span of control shows the number of workers that a manager or a supervisor is in control of. Flat structure: The flat structure shows that a fewer levels of hierarchy than a tool structure in an organisation or a business. Hierarchical structure: The hierarchical structure shows the type of organisation that shows seniority. Communication flow: The communication flows means the difference between the employees that are shown in the chart. Duties and responsibilities: Duties and responsibilities means the organisation charts shows the different levels of responsibilities within an organisation Job roles: Job roles mean the different types of jobs available in an organisation for example assistant, supervisor or a manager.

C) Similarities: The similarities between Tesco’s organisation and a school organisation are the job roles. This is because in both organisations the employees have different job roles. For example in Tesco the marketing assistant will report back to the marketing supervisor if they were any problem and if the marketing supervisor can’t solve the problem then the marketing supervisor will then have to report the issue to the marketing manager. This is similar in a school organisation where the deputy head will give out the work to the heads of department so that they could pass the work down to the subject teachers to teach the children. If these job roles are not being handled the correct way then this will lead to, lack of responsibilities of the employer for not giving the instruction to the other employees of that organisation. So therefore to prevent this happening the employee should always see that every department has a job to obey and