Mobile Computing and Social Networks Essay examples

Submitted By dnharris15
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Pages: 10

Mobile Computing and Social Networks
Danielle Harrison
Strayer University
Dr. Edwin Otto
Information Systems for Decision Making
December 9, 2013

Mobile-Based Applications and Geolocation Data Geolocation uses data acquired from a computer or mobile device to identify a physical location. Applications using this technology offer consumers convenience, discounted prices and easy information sharing, enable enterprises to deliver more personalized customer service. Geolocation applications are able to report your location to other users and associate real world locations such as restaurants and events to your location. Geolocation applications that run on mobile devices offer a richer experience than those on a desktop because the relevant data you send and receive changes as your location changes (Ionescu, 2010). Smartphones have a GPS chip inside and the chip uses satellite data to calculate your exact position usually when you’re outside and the sky is clear. When a GPS signal is unavailable, geolocation applications can use information from cell towers to get your approximate position. The geolocation application on mobile devices can determine your location pretty accurately as long as the sky is fairly clear. However, it is less accurate indoors. In certain areas where the storefronts are close together, you may have to manually select your location within the application (Ionescu, 2010).
There are some negatives concerning mobile-based applications and geolocation. Geolocation applications are able to pinpoint a user’s physical location. A user’s gender, race, occupation, and financial history are combined with geolocation tags, which can be used by criminals to identify an individual’s present or future location. This presents potential threats ranging from burglary and theft to stalking and kidnapping (Acohido, 2011).
Benefits of Mobile Application for Consumers There are several benefits of using mobile applications for both consumers and businesses. Mobile applications are simple and easy to use. Mobile users just download the applications to their mobile devices, launch, and use them whenever they want. They don’t have to learn to use difficult software before they use the application. The learning curve associated with the applications just takes a few minutes, which makes them simple to use (Mobile Apps, 2012). Mobile applications function as a virtual location for businesses. Consumers can become familiar with the application quickly and find it useful, and they will continue to use it and refer others to it. Mobile applications also make it easy for customers to get in touch with the company. It’s a simple as a few taps on their smartphones. Mobile users are able to call, email, or text the company immediately from the mobile application. Customers also have the ability to receive instant directions to the company from the application, which is very convenient for individuals who are always on the go and may be trying to find the establishment. Consumers are able to receive notifications and special offers and discounts related to a company instantly. With the “direct personal connection,” customers feel special being that they’re one of the first people to get the message (Mobile Apps, 2012).
Consumers have quick access to important features that helps them do business with a company effortlessly. For an example, the mobile application can remind customers about important dates or appointments. Customers can schedule appointments through the mobile application and also receive reminder notifications a few days before the appointment. Mobile applications are a valuable way for businesses to generate more prospects and repeat customers. Many businesses have finally opened their eyes to the potential mobile marketing can bring due to the recent boom of mobile applications. Businesses are using this creation as a means to generate more revenue. Mobile app usage