What Are The Benefits Of Different Types Of Formula That Are Commonly Available

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Pages: 6

CYPOP2-5.3 Evaluate the benefits of different types of formula that are commonly available

Breast milk is a natural form of baby food which is perfect for a baby. But there are some people who for different reasons can’t breastfeed, or have chosen not to, formula milk is the next best thing. Scientists and medical experts have spent years developing high-quality formula milks that will provide babies with the specific nutrition that they need.

There are many different types of formula feed and there are many different factors to take into account before choosing the right formula feed. * Health * Dietary needs * Age * Cost and preparation time of different formula milks.

There are three different types of

They are sold as suitable for babies from six months old. Follow-on milks are advertised as more nutritious than cow's milk, because they contain added iron, vitamins and minerals. However, bear in mind that cow's milk is not a suitable drink for your baby until she’s a year old anyway.

Goodnight milks

These are follow-on milks with added cereal, which are marketed at parents as helping babies to sleep better at night. However, there’s no evidence that they help babies to settle at night or that they take longer to digest.

Don’t give goodnight milk to your baby if she’s less than six months old because cereal isn’t suitable for younger babies. Also don’t give this milk to your baby if she is overweight.

Growing-up milks

Growing-up milks are marketed at parents as being better than cow's milk because they contain added iron and other vitamins and minerals. They are promoted to be used for babies from about one year old.

However, growing-up milk isn’t needed, as once your baby’s a year old she can have full-fat cow's milk as her main drink. She’ll also be eating a varied and balanced diet, which should provide her with all the essential vitamins and minerals, without the need for growing-up milk.

These extra formula milks are not really necessary at all. Your baby can get all she needs as she grows by