Midterm Questions Essay examples

Words: 6745
Pages: 27

Module 1
Chapter 1

1. Both the CHES and MCHES examinations are given twice a year and consist of
150 scored questions and 15 pilot questions on a weighted amount of the seven responsibilities.

2. The publication considered to have been the document that gave great momentum to the health promotion and disease prevention movement in America was called
Healthy People: The Surgeon General’s Report on Health Promotion and Disease Prevention (Healthy People, 1979).

3. Self-breast examinations would be considered which level of prevention?

4. When a person is healthy, without signs and symptoms of disease, illness, or injury, the level of prevention most appropriate would be
Primary prevention

5. The

True 21. When a group facilitator provides positive verbal feedback to a participant, it is an example of
Direct reinforcement 22. According to the Theory of Reasoned Action,
Intention is an indication of a person’s readiness to perform a behavior. 23. Which theory/model was originally designed to explain the effects of fear appeals on health attitudes and behaviors?
Protective Motivation Theory 24. When a person stops smoking because they recently had close friend die of lung cancer, which construct of the Health Belief Model is this consistent with?
Perceived seriousness 25. In the Elaboration Likelihood Model of Persuasion (ELM) elaboration means the amount of cognitive processing that a person puts into receiving messages. 26. Program planners have a much better chance of success if they select one behavior change theory and use it exclusively, rather than trying to use two or more.
27. At the intrapersonal level, theories of health behavior assume individuals exist within and are influenced by a social environment.
28. Specific relapse intervention strategies help participants anticipate and cope with a relapse episode
29. The primary elements or the building blocks of a theory are Concepts
30. Variables specify how a construct is to be measured in a specific situation. False
31. An ex-smoker who believes that she can turn down a cigarette after a meal is said to have high self-efficacy.