Mark Mangahas 5th Mrs. Strizzy - English In the book Maus 1 and 2 by Art Spiegelman, is a book about a Jewish survivor from the Holocaust, Vladek Spiegelman. The author illustrated characters as cats, mouse, dogs, pigs and frogs. He shows how Jewish people were low priority/rank in that society, they were depicted as mice. While the Germans were depicted as cats which resembles how opposite they were and how the Germans were careless, brutal and superior. This book tells us how superiority and
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April Willochell-DiSanza English Comp 2 – W2 Art Spiegelman’s - Maus I Art Spiegelman’s Maus I was a very interesting graphic novel concerning a son learning about his father’s past in surviving the Holocaust. This story was a very descriptive narrative of how Vladek, the father, made it through the war and back home to his family, after enlisting in the army. I think that this story was very iconic of the time. It plays back to the many struggles Jews had at this time and how they must
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Losing Everything Imagine losing everything. Everything including family, a home, and all personal belongings. This very thing happened to many Jewish people during the Holocaust. The graphic novel, Maus, by Art Spiegelman, focuses on the character Vladek Spiegelman. Vladek loses everything but his life, which he nearly loses to starvation. Vladek is a dynamic character because he changes in three main ways. because of the Holocaust. The first way is he becomes a miser. Secondly, he becomes depressed
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The aim of ‘Maus’ is to provide a realistic account of the Holocaust The aim of ‘Maus’ is not primarily written to show the realistic portrayal of the Holocaust but more so Art can continue to understand his father’s experiences in the Holocaust. Art goes on his own journey to better understand his identity as a Jewish man and a second-generation Holocaust survivor. ‘Maus’ is a good representation of how the Holocaust tragically affects people who were involved in the disastrous event, and even
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Natalie Osekowsky Mr. Sutherland English 1A April 28, 2014 Maus in Schools Art Spiegelman’s Pulitzer Prize winning graphic novel, Maus is an epic true-life story of his father’s (Vladek Spiegelman) survival of the German invasion of Poland and the chilling extermination of the Jews. Spiegelman’s telling of the war and the horror’s that came with it are brought to life through his rich artistic imagery, which portrays the Jews as mice, Germans as cats, the Polish as pigs, and American’s as dogs
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World History Ms. Clark Schindler’s List VS Maus “Maus A Survivor’s Tale” written by Art Spiegelman, tells the readers a story on his father, Vladek’s, course through the holocaust as a Jewish man. Art is Vladeks son, and a cartoonist. He wants to understand what had happened to his father during the war, the history of the holocaust, and why his father is the way he is today. Vladeck mentions his life before the war, and how quickly things change for him after the Germans had disturbed his
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have seen a friend achieve the goal such as learning to do a trick skiing or get the latest iPhone. Seeing them grasp my goals or aspirations makes me more focused and determined to carrying out the objective. Much like myself, in the graphic novel Maus by Art Spiegalman we can learn that if and individual has ambition and motivation in their life to accomplish the goal at hand they can be positively radiated or passed to other individuals which leads to success in accomplishing the goal for both
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Maus I and II by Art Spiegelman is a story of the harsh reality of the Holocaust, told from the first person view of Spiegelman’s father Vladek. Spiegelman depicts himself as a mouse, showing the Germans’ dominance over the Jewish community. With the use of animals to represent and depict the different nationalities involved in WWII, the different animals in the books are cats, dogs, mice, frogs, and pigs representing the Germans, Americans, Jewish, French and the Polish respectively. The significance
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There is not one bad piece of literature work by Art Spiegelman. Almost everything he wrote is considerd a classic. MAUS: a survivors tale is all about the holacosut. It is a extremely complex original and personal story. I. Graphic novels attract new readers A. Arts speiegelsmands graphic novel style of writing not only attracted readers, but helped with the understanding of MAUS 1. it attracted students to the librarys to learn about history B. In “little orpans annies eyeballs” spiegelman wrote
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Heather Davis 4 November 4, 2014 Dr. Claudie Massicotte English 1102 This book, Maus, is a great depiction of a nations terrible history. The author of this book is not only connected to this story because it is the story of his fathers, but he is a Jew. To tell of these haunting series of events he had to tell of not only his fathers but also his survival story. Maus is not a haunting book. Maus is a haunted book. “Mickey Mouse is the most miserable ideal ever revealed…. Healthy emotions tell
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Maus and Fun Home: Tales of Parent and Child, Love and Loss Alison Bechdel's Fun Home and Maus both powerfully express an adult child trying to evaluate his/her emotions and parental relationships in the advent of their deaths. However both take different narrative approaches and are at different stages of reconciliation of their emotions. In both comics, it is clear to us from the first interaction that father and child have a complex relationship. In Maus, it is very directly expressed in the
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the experiences and memories that Spiegelman discusses throughout is narrated by another character, making it seem as though it is easier for him to delve deeper into his story by being seemingly detached in the narration. In his graphic novels Maus I and Maus II, Art Spiegelman masterfully employs the use of graphics to convey the story of his family’s history, narrating through multiple characters to illustrate how his father’s story affects his own childhood. One of the predominant differences
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“How Have Composers Used Satire to Demonstrate Flaws In Our Society?” Art Spiegelman uses a range of satirical techniques though out his graphical novel ‘Maus’ to demonstrate the flaws in our society. In his graphic novel, he employs satirical techniques, juxtaposition, hyperbole, irony and sarcasm from his fathers perspective to illustrate the horrors of the Holocaust. Spiegelman points the finger squarely at the roles different races played to expose the flaws in our society such as greed, slaughter
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Jessica Neumeyer May 11, 2015 Avid Ms. Heinzman Maus Essay Sometimes animals can have similar traits to humans. In Art Spiegelman’s graphic novel, Maus , he portrays different races as certain animals to further exemplify their behaviors. Spiegelman uses cats and mice as representations of the Germans and Jews during the Holocaust in order to assist the reader in understanding their mentalities and personality traits. The Germans were portrayed as cats because they are powerful, malicious
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area of medical research that incorporates geographic techniques into the study of heath around the world and the spread of diseases. This form of Geography also studies the impact of climate and location on a certain individual’s heath. In the book Maus by Art Spiegelman, Art is the son of a Holocaust survivor, Vladek. Vladek tells the story of his survival of the Holocaust to his son. Throughout the book Vladek explains to his son the hardship of being a Jew during this time. Vladek and his wife
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making the story stories much more compelling then the were before. Superheroes were not the only ones center stage at this point in time. There were also many fantasy and historical comics making their way to mainstream culture. Namely; Sandman and Maus. Maus was a breakthrough comic at the time, as it told a true story of the authors’ father during WWII. Sandman was critically acclaimed for its stories, written by Neil Gaiman. Both help push the comic envelope and helped the genre forward. Now on to
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Vision/mission make the world more open and connected make WhatsApp available to everyone in the world WhatsApp’s Rapid Growth years • not ruining the user-experience with advertisements • It has 450 million monthly active users (MAU) • 72% of the MAUs are daily active users (DAU) – industry standard is about 20% • 1 million users join WhatsApp daily in first 4 Industry detail • Fragmented global market • FB’s Messenger is 1st only in US market • WhatsApp is the leading app in South Africa, Brazil
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Racism in Film Throughout the history of film in the United States, the depiction of race has only changed slightly. Although, the display of various races in film is pertinent to the specific time period in which the film was made, films have, for the most part, always portrayed white superiority over other races. People of color have traditionally been presented in a negative way (if presented at all) that helps to maintain the status quo where whites are at the top of the social hierarchy. A
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Text List 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. A Christmas Carol All About Eve Brooklyn Cat’s Eye Cloudstreet Henry IV: Part I In the Country of Men Mabo No Sugar Ransom Selected Poems Stasiland The Complete Maus The Reluctant Fundamentalist The Thing Around Your Neck The War Poems Things We Didn’t See Coming This Boy’s Life Twelve Angry Men Will You Please Be Quiet, Please? Wuthering Heights Page 1 Charles Dickens Directed by Joseph Mankiewicz Colm Tóibín
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development & maintenance (JavaScript / PHP / IOS / Android SDK) 14 15 16 17 18 20, 21 14 22 25 23 24 3. Key Resources Ref. > 56 granted patens & 503 applications filed US, 33 granted & 149 applications filed outside US (2011) > Large user base (845m+ MAUs, 483m+ DAUs, 425m NAUs use mobile products) > My SQL user database (handles all user interaction) > Personnel talents (IT engineers, financial, marketing & people with political background) > IT infrastructures ( platform, apps, social plugins, payments
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The IPO Analysis December 2011 © Investors’ Mosaic, Inc. www.investorsmosaic.com Table of Content 1) The Thesis 2) Risks That Need to Be Monitored 3) Should You Participate in the IPO? 4) The Business Model: Unique and Potentially Very Powerful i. ii. iii. How Zynga Makes Money Zynga-at-a-Glance Overview of Key Metrics 5) Analysis of Key Metrics and Financials 6) Financials i. Income statement, balance sheet, cash flow 7) Valuation 1) Base case, Bull case, and Bear Case 2) Comparable
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Rape as a Weapon of War As society understands it, rape is a crime that is punishable by law. When a criminal commits this act against another person they will be prosecuted, detained, fined or imprisoned for their actions. This system of punishment for the crime provides the victim with feelings of closure and most often relief; knowing that the person who violated them in such a way was punished for what they did. You would think that rape in any setting, even war, would still be treated and
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Dianna Jeong Grevstad AP Literature 12 March 2015 Hamlet and Meursault The literary pieces, Hamlet by William Shakespeare and The Stranger by Albert Camus, revolve around existential characters Hamlet and Meursault who are put into similar, tragic circumstances. The nature of the characters, leads to different, significant downfalls. Shakespeare’s intent was to tell a classic tragedy caused by a man’s hubris; he gives Hamlet a heroic ending by giving him the means to find his own essence and set
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Rotherhithe tunnel under the Thames. Figure 1.1(a): Tunneling shield used to construct the Thames tunnel (Michael Spencer & Alessandro Stolfa, 2009) The first earlier tunnel boring machine (Mount Cenis Tunnel, 1846) was developed by Henry-Joseph Maus’ Mountain Slicer. Figure 1.1(b): Mount Cenis Tunnel, 1846 (Michael Spencer & Alessandro Stolfa, 2009) It was used to dig the Fréjus Rail Tunnel between France and Italy through the Alps. In 1853, the first boring
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Introductory Compostion Textbooks - Fall 2013 All Students in every section of 106 and 108 will need to purchase 'Composing Yourself' A Student Guide to Introductory Composition at Purdue 2013-2014 Version by Blackmon, Haynes and Pinkert from Fountainhead Press ISBN # 978-1-59871-745-1 Instructor Name email address Course# course section book title book author number Abbott, Tristan ENGL 106 681-57610 Alamyar, Mariam ENGL 106 740-57669 Writing about Writing Wardle, E. & Downs, D Alcantara, Christiane
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HSC Subject Guide Belonging 2009 HSC: Area of Study – English - related material English HSC 2009 - 2012 is Belonging. What does belonging mean? From the Oxford Dictionary and Thesaurus: belong, verb, 1) to be rightly put into a particular position or class; 2) fit or be acceptable in a particular place or environment; 3) belong to be a member of; 4) belong to be the property or possession of. Belonging, noun, affiliation, acceptance, association, attachment, integration, closeness, rapport,
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EL2011: Encounters with Shakespeare 30 Scotcat credit points; 12 weeks Session 2013/14 Course convenor: Dr Andrew Gordon, Taylor B07; 272626; a.gordon@abdn.ac.uk Course team: Dr Thomas Rist, Taylor B15; 272832; t.rist@abdn.ac.uk Dr Dan Wall, Taylor A40, 272149; d.j.wall@abdn.ac.uk Leslie Drury , L.drury@abdn.ac.uk Dr Adam Hanna, adam.hanna@abdn.ac.uk Ian Crockatt, ian.crockatt@abdn.ac.uk This course guide should be read in conjunction with
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