Selling Sex Almost every company uses advertisement as a way to persuade or reach their targeted customers. However, product advertising has gone beyond bringing a good product to the awareness of the people. In recent years, just the advertisement of a product does not really capture the attention of a potential customer, so companies have come up with ways of getting the full attention of their potential consumers by adding sexuality in their advertisement. The majority of advertisements shown in the media and in magazines focus on sex appeal. Advertiser use these sex appealing images to get the attention of the people, since people react to such view even if the product being advertised is of no use to them. I believe this is a strategy to increase the sales of the products or services of these companies, but the excessive use of sexuality is what has a negative effect to the society in general.
Clothing manufacturer American Apparel is a good example of such companies that cross the line in using excessive sex images in advertising and promoting their products. In the assign case study, I will say it is morally and ethically wrong the way American Apparel (AA) uses this means in advertising their products. According to the case study, the CEO of AA, Dov Charney, supports and encourages sexual activities at the place of work between the workers (himself included). Charney encourages the termination of the workers he sees as “ugly” and hiring of the physically attractive people, uses diminishing words towards the women, masturbates in work place and has oral sex with the employee. Obviously, in this kind of work environment, some groups of people will benefit while some will be harmed by such act. With this kind of act, the youth, women, employee and the society in general will be harmed. According to the article posted in J Natl Med Assoc. 2002 September; 94(9): 797–801, media has a huge influence on the behavior of a child. Children tend to do and experiment with whatever they see on the TV and read in magazines. With the kind of images that AA displays, kids and youth are so vulnerable to it. Also, these kinds of disrespectful language that Charney uses to describe the women diminish the value of women in the society. I think this is harmful, because it could make them less important even in the business world. And lastly, the employee could be harmed in such environment, especially the women because they are most vulnerable to being raped even at the work place. And to look at the groups of people that stand to be help with this immorality act, will look at the owners of the business. The stakeholders of AA are those that are being helped from these behaviors, because it generates more money to their pocket, and this simply shows that AA chooses money over decency.
Based on the reading, I believe Socrates will not be in support of Charney’s actions. Socrates believes that individual knowledge is what makes a good life. Socrates identifies knowledge with virtue and ignorance with bad and evil. I believe Socrates will see Charney as an ignorant person, someone who lacks knowledge and a person who seeks his private interest ahead of knowledge and wisdom. Socrates believes that one must first seek knowledge and wisdom before seeking private interest. As Socrates says, “the life which is unexamined is not worth living” only a person who has the knowledge could think of examining his or her life and actions. Socrates believes that no one deliberately choses to do evil or to act ignorantly. I believe Socrates would not recommend the continuation of Charney’s actions. Considering the fact that there has been a lot of critics of Charney’s behavior and actions, I will say that should serve has a wakeup call for him to examine his life and actions and turn away from the bad ways.
Virtue to Aristotle is a doctrine of the mean and it belongs to the soul, i.e. virtue is neither excess nor deficiency. The mean is the standard
Guide to preparing MARKETING PLANS (Your Cover Page) [pic] Revised November 2011 Marketing Plans • Act as a roadmap. • Assist in management control and the implementation of strategy. • Inform new participants of their roles in implementing the plan and achieving objectives. • Assist in helping to obtain resources. • Stimulate thinking and the better use of resources…
Final Project MRKT306 Principles of Marketing Choose a company to analyze the marketing mix. It can be a local company or a national company. If you’re thinking of starting your own business or you know someone who is, you’re welcome to do this project on that idea, but please see me about it first. You'll be required to submit the first part of this plan in Week 1, so start thinking about this right away. A good term paper involves such factors as creativity, logical rigor, personal insights…
sample marketing plan has been made available to users of Marketing Plan Pro™, marketing planning software published by Palo Alto Software. Names, locations and numbers may have been changed, and substantial portions of text may have been omitted from the original plan to preserve confidentiality and proprietary information. You are welcome to use this plan as a starting point to create your own, but you do not have permission to reproduce, publish, distribute or even copy this plan as it exists…
Planning Your Business: Marketing When planning the necessary steps to get your new business up and running, it is critical to put in the hours needed to brainstorm the possible routes in the direction you would like your business to go in, and by this I mean a marketing plan. Marketing takes a lot of preparation, time, and money, but it is ultimately one of the best ways to prepare yourself for the future of your business. A strong marketing plan will ensure you are spending your funds wisely…
Marketing Plan Worksheet This worksheet is a complement to the study guide for both the MKT1. The purpose of this worksheet is to help you think about and apply important marketing concepts to Company G. By working through the exercises and matrices introduced in this worksheet (Section A, Section B, and Section C), you are laying the foundation for your marketing plan required in this assessment. This worksheet should be completed before you write your Marketing Plan, for which a template is…
A key element of Sam’s Club’s marketing plan is positioning Sam’s Club to gain market share through an expansion and enhancement of their service offerings. The intent is to hire and train staff that will assist customers in an aggressive, but non-intrusive, manner to understand what they are looking for and to align that with what Sam’s Club has to offer. This could be achieved by adding two staff members during evening and weekend hours. If the need is non-navigational and more technical in nature…
Use this template to guide you through writing your own marketing action plan. Introduction What are the main objectives you want your marketing action plan to achieve for your business (ie, more sales, more customers, greater market share, etc try to be specific) 1. Your market 1.1 Who are your customers Answer the following questions Who are your existing customers What are their needs What motivates them to buy your offer Can you separate your customers into different groups of people with…
Marketing plan NUTRILITE Executive summary The purpose of this marketing plan is to outline the complete marketing strategy for NUTRILITE. NUTRILITE is the world's leading brand of vitamin supplements. As a global health food brand, NUTRILITE is famous for its superior quality, the rigorous organic farming and advanced production technology. So, the Vitamin C Plus is very popular with Chinese consumers. Since 1998, NUTRILITE has developed more than 10 different kinds of new products and its market…
Institute of Business Administration & Management Assignment Kensington College of Business Report on Londonair Marketing Communications Plan to Mr. Ian Pirie Manager Director Subject: Marketing Management Professor: Neil Jones (KCB) Student Registration Number: 9876786 Date Issued: 18th March 2001 Hand in by: 6th May 2001 Kensington College of Business Wesley House, 4 Wild Court, Holborn, London, WC2B 4AU Phone: 020 7421 3683 Fax: 020 7404 6708 9876786 Table of Contents…
Contents Of A Good Marketing Plan And How To Write It Marketing plans are created to achieve companies’ s goals, needs, and satisfy their customers. The goals are an important component of the marketing plans. This text is effective because it goes through the difficulties that many companies have in implementing their marketing plans. For example, marketing plans can prove unfruitful because of a poor management of change implementation. Corporations can differentiate their marketing plans strategy to…