“The marketing mix is an important set of parameters that can be adjusted to create an ideal marketing strategy. Every product has a unique set of marketing needs which can be broadly placed into four categories: product, price, place, and promotion. Each of these categories is a variable and marketers must make decisions to control their effects on the overall marketing strategy. Finding the optimal blend of each variable will contribute to a successful marketing campaign. Every industry has unique needs and the 4 P’s will ultimately influence the decisions of the company in its marketing strategy” (“Online,” 2012). The first component of the marketing mix is Product. According to Hyder (2012), “There is no mar¬ke¬ting without pro¬duct. Many unders¬tand the pro¬duct side of the mar¬ke¬ting equa¬tion, but it isn’t as one dimen¬sio¬nal as it is often demons¬tra¬ted to be. Clearly sta¬ted: your pro¬duct is either some phy¬si¬cal thing that you are selling, or a ser¬vice that you offer. Unders¬tan¬ding that you need a pro¬duct before you go to the mar¬ket is tri¬vial, what isn’t obvious is the effort that is requi¬red to substantiate yourself from you competition. Your pro¬duct is the foun¬da¬tion and the cor¬ners¬tone of your busi¬ness; it’s what your busi¬ness is built on, and what holds it together”. “Price is the second component of the marketing mix and plays an important role in the marketing strategy. When shopping for similar products, price is often the factor that determines the customer’s purchasing decision. Both consumers and businesses place a high level of importance on the price of a product. Marketers look at the prices of competitors and make pricing decisions based on the demand of the market. Many companies lay out a strategy to price their products below those of competitors, although this is not always the case. Pricing is a
4 P’S IN MARKETING 4 critical aspect of the marketing mix and can have substantial impact on a customer’s purchasing decision” (“Online,” 2012). “Place refers to the availability of a product in a location or geographical region. Some products are available worldwide, whereas others can only be purchased in a very specific region. Many products are available only through an individual store front, while others can be purchased in thousands of different locations. The internet has greatly expanded the visibility of many products by allowing customers to place
Target: Marketing Mix Morgan Hight May 9, 2013 MKT/421 Marlene Shaner Target: Marketing Mix A marketing mix is a planned business tactic that is used in marketing by companies. For a company to develop an effective marketing plan, it must determine a marketing mix that will best fit the goals of the organization as well as its consumers. When developing a marketing mix, four variables are to be considered. These variables include, product, place, price, and promotion, these are also known…
Running Head: MARKETING MIX Marketing Mix: Wal-Mart Marketing mix is important to business. Marketing mix was coined by Neil Borden, author of an article entitled “The Concept of the Marketing Mix. “ Marketing mix is utilized by marketing professionals. Marketing mix is important and often crucial in the determination of a product or brand’s offering. Marketing mix is synonymous with the Four Ps which are: price, product, promotion, and place. In recent…
The marketing mix of juice company: Boost Juice. Introduction The Boost Juice is a worldwide chain of retail outlets founded in the year 2000 by Allis. This company is located globally and specializes in selling fruit juice. It has its headquarters in Chadstone of Melbourne in the Australia, had opened up 26 outlets in United States, during four months period of running. Since its establishment, the main product(fresh juices) of the company is produced to suit the health needs of the array client…
The Marketing Mix Chastity Tyler Principals of Marketing Professor Barclay South University In order for any business to succeed in today’s society of consumers, owners and headships must know what it takes to gain consumers and to keep consumers. According to the text, the marketing mix, also known as the four P’s, has been a core concept of Marketing for decades (Grewal & Levy 2012). The four Ps are product, price, place, and promotion (Grewal & Levy 2012). According…
Marketing Mix Marketing Mix Mentioned as the four P’s, marketing mix is tremendously important and ordinarily known as a marketing strategy. Focusing more on the product, the four P’s in market strategy is not as dedicated to a customer base as the likes of the merchandise. Controlling with superior merchandise growth with the four P’s, marketing also keeps in vision the gratifications of the objective market. Establishing the four P’s appropriately within the marketing plan, will take…
Module Title: Marketing planning and research Word Count Contents Part 1 1. Executive summary Part 2 2. Environmental analysis 3. Marketing Strategy Part 3 4. Marketing research Part 4 5. Marketing mix summary Part 5 6. Detailed strategy for one element of the marketing mix Part 6 7. Financials Part 7 8. Controls Part 8…
NETWORK MARKETING MIX IN PRACTICE Group Presentation COMPANY PROFILE 3 mobile is owned by Hutchison Whampoa and operates exclusively on the 3G network. 3 mobile was launched on 3rd March 2003 and within 32 months acquired 3.2 million customers. Three was the pioneer in launching the 3G mobile technology in the UK. Three thrives as the UK's fastest growing network and currently has nearly 4 million customers (www.three.co.uk). DEFINITION OF MARKETING MIX The term marketing mix refers…
How important is Marketing Mix in launching Levi-Root’s Caribbean fizzy drink in the European Market? Marketing Mix consist of 4 tools, namely Product, Price, Place and promotion which are available to a business that want to gain the reaction this business want from its target market in relation to its marketing objectives. All the decisions made by the business should be based on market research. Levi Roots with his business of spicy Caribbean sauces is going to launch a new soft fizzy drink…
Price One of the most important parts of marketing mix is price, It is the mix which makes the turnover of the organization. The rests of the mix are one type of variable cost of the organization but the price need to support the organization. The pricing is the difficult and affect the demand and supply. Pricing is responsible to make loss or profit on in the organization by making it too much or too low. Here our companies’ product the LSABK is #329, which is a wrist watch and it is based on factors…