Essay on Marie Antoinette

Submitted By Satanchick15
Words: 358
Pages: 2

PLANT CELLS Some plant cells are the same types of organelles found in animal cells. The cytoskeleton is a network of proteins that’s constantly changing to meet the needs of the cell. The vesicles are small membrane-bound sacs that divide some materials from the rest of the cytoplasm and transport these materials from place to place inside the cell. The nucleus in the cell is the storehouse for genetic information and DNA. The nucleolus contains the DNA of the cell which this is used as instructions to create the building blocks of the cell (proteins). The endoplasmic reticulum is an interconnected network of thin folded membranes. The ribosome in the cell link amino acids together to form proteins. The centrosome is where the microtubules assemble and connect to the chromosomes. The cell membrane forms a boundary between a cell and the outside environment and controls the passage of materials into and out of the cell. The Golgi apparatus consists of closely layered stack of membrane-enclosed spaces that process, sort, and deliver proteins. Mitochondrion supply energy to the cell. Vacuoles are fluid filled sacs used for storing materials needed by the cell. Some other membranes a plant cell has are more unique. Like the chloroplast are organelles that carry out photosynthesis, which is a complex chemical reactions that convert solar energy into energy that the plant can use. The central vacuole stores food, water, and wastes and gives support to soft structures