Essay on Manners: Social Class and Proper Manners

Submitted By lmr1984
Words: 384
Pages: 2

Just a semi century ago manners were top priority when teaching children. Children were sent to etiquette classes to learn proper manners. Your manners dictated your social status in the community. If someone had poor manners they were looked down upon. A successful businessperson had proper manners and that is how they succeeded. Today a professional businessperson can have horrible manners when dealing with customers, which makes them look unreliable. When we look at todays youth that has lost the true meaning of manners and how they are supposed to be done. Shoudnt we worry that there will be short successful people due to them not being taught proper business and personal manners. This will effect our society by having people be disrespectful to everyone they meet. How can that possibly be good for any companys bottom line It seems that company heads themselves have lost the true meaning of manners. Customer service went out the window long ago and it all comes down to how much money they can make. Many people dont think about teaching their children about manners anymore. Teaching your children about manners and respect can help better our country. If our children are not educated on proper manners our society, as a whole will crumble. The youth are our future so how can we expect our civilization to flourish if the younger generation is not prepared. They dont even have etiquette classes available to people any more. Even when looking at the classes it seems the higher classes even