Smoking Leaves Everyone Choking In the age we live in today, there is immense hype about forbidding the use of drugs. Turning on the news, we see reports of people being thrown in jail for growing Cannabis plants. On McRoberts’ day last year, we had had a speaker present to us the consequence of doing drugs. Not to mention the local groups and organizations that assist people in straying away from drug and alcohol abuse. So you try to compress all of this knowledge into your head and start walking home when you see a man smoking. All these lectures about drugs suddenly pop out, but soon you realize that the man is only smoking a cigarette. And you think to yourself “Oh, it’s only a cigarette, cigarettes are much less harmful than drugs because...”. Then you find yourself not being able to complete the sentence because the truth is that smoking cigarettes is not much healthier than doing drugs. You would also hurt yourself through smoking. In fact, cigarettes are worse than drugs in a way. Second and third-hand smoking are the reasons behind this, as smoking harms not only you but other people as well. In the end, what confuses you the most is the fact that smoking is not prohibited while drugs are. Hi, my name is Ted. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to speak here today. I am here to promote my idea, which is to forbid all smoking of tobacco in North America, due to the potential destruction that first, second, and third-hand smoking can produce in one’s respiratory system. The result of this policy would be unpolluted public spaces and resolution of smoking addiction, and, in the long run, a healthier environment for everyone.
There are over a thousand chemicals in a cigarette, most of which is harmful to the body. Smoking causes lung cancer, heart diseases, respiratory diseases, stomach cancer, cancer in the esophagus, bladder cancer, and sexual disabilities. Also, smoking is responsible for one in five deaths in the United States, and every six seconds, a person dies as a result of tobacco smoking. However, you probably already know; you are constantly bombarded with these facts, and none of us can deny the fact that smoking harms the human body. The focus is that people know about these kinds of statistics and diagrams, but most cannot suppress their addiction. So now we have millions of people in North America smoking, knowing that they will eventually be diagnosed with diseases, while they try to quit smoking but fail miserably repeatedly. Many of these people addicted to tobacco smoke simply because it refreshes their mood, relieves their stress, and calms them down. But there are several other ways of relaxation other than smoking, and most of which do not cost money and do not harm your body. There are other people who are peer pressured into smoking because it looks cool. Now, opinions vary, so I will not judge whether smoking looks cool or not, because when it comes down to it, there are plenty more ways to try to get girls and be popular. Without the side effects that smoking brings. For example, become better at English because English makes you more attractive. So where does this bring us? Well, the two main reasons for smoking are surprisingly simple and achievable through many alternative methods, but millions of people choose smoking, something that gradually causes diseases within the body. So it seems like smoking is just an unreliable way of achieving self confidence that causes addiction. Therefore, for the sake of smokers, tobacco should be banned to allow them to resolve their addiction and have more unique lifestyles.
As a matter of fact, enforcing such a law would not only improve the health of the millions of smokers, but the rest of the North American population as well. Because the key that makes smoking deadly is its tendency to harm those around the smoker as well.
Most people understand the consequences of first-hand smoking, and even more know about second-hand
However, Some people choose cigarette smoking which is such a harmful ways to relieve stress if they are smoking to excess. Cigarette smoking damages the body gradually in a number of different ways. Cigarettes should not be legal, because cigarette is such a strong addiction, it also can cause people losing self-control, destroy their mental healthy, cigarettes absolutely do not save families any money. Cigarette can be badly affected the people whom are not smoking cigarettes and in healing smoke from…
couple are having a guest over to the house. This man is a old friend of the wife’s and just happens to be blind. The three spend the night together, having dinner, talking, drinking, and smoking dope. Yes, they were smoking dope. The husband, who is also the narrator, was not so optimistic about his wife having her blind friend stay with them. He thought that blind people all had dark sunglasses and white walking canes. The narrator is a middle ages man who likes to sit on the couch and watch the television…
My Health Promotion Campaign on Smoking took place on Thursday November 6th 2014 with year 8 pupils at Bay House School and Sixth Form. This campaign was carried out and produced with the help of another student in my Health and Social Class, Ellie Hopkins. Our campaign ran over a lesson, so it took place for an hour in a classroom of around 30 pupils aged 12-13, under the supervision of the Citizenship teacher, Mrs Cornish; who also runs the schools StopSmoking group. In order to carry out this…
“Giving up smoking is the easiest thing in the world. I know because I've done it thousands of times”, Mark Twain once said. This quote in many ways can relate to David Sedaris because Sedaris writes an article titled “Letting Go” which he explains his dislike of cigarettes as a child but also his addiction to cigarettes in his later years. Sedaris is a person with humor and anyone reading, “Letting Go” can see that. Sedaris is discussing a serious topic of the addiction to smoking cigarettes. He…
promotional slant is both reasonable and common. They point out that in the Third World a lot of people cannot understand what is written in the ads anyway, so the ads zero in on the more understandable visual image. “In most of the world, the Marlboro Man isn’t just a symbol of the Wild West; he’s a symbol of the West.” “You can’t convince people that all Americans don’t smoke.” In Africa, some of the most effective advertising includes images of affluent white Americans with recognizable landmarks, such…
caused by human papillomavirus infection (HPV). Doctors usually cannot explain why one woman develops cervical cancer and another does not. Women with certain risk factors might be more likely to develop this kind of cancer. Risk factors such as smoking cigarettes can increase the risk of cervical cancer among women infected with human papillomavirus infection. The risk of cervical cancer can be reduced by getting regular cervical screening. Another way to reduce the risk is if you get the vaccine…
involuntary. A utilitarian may consider it justifiable to kill Hitler as a baby if given the opportunity, however, a moralistic man would not be able to kill a baby in cold blood for crimes he had not yet committed. Human actions are governed by a strict moral code. Mill may argue that these moral codes are not learned through experience but through society. However, man is born with basic moral reasoning that he inertly posses and develops. The harm principle also leads to tyranny of the majority…
Helo ENC0025 8/28/13 Tobacco Free Florida Almost everyone in America knows someone who smokes cigarettes. The advertisement I chose is, Tobacco Free Florida. It is the most advertised commercial and website for Americans to quite smoking. The Florida Department of Health’s Tobacco Free Florida campaign uses aggressive and emotional ads that make a huge impact on the audience watching. Tobacco Free Florida has seen encouraging results in reducing the prevalence of tobacco in the…
silent Puff can be screaming death. There is about 443,000 U.S. Deaths because of cigarette Smoking Second-Hand smoke included ( Tobacco has been known to start being use in Circa 750 A.D ( Tobacco has been a huge part of the world’s problems, economy, and history. The Drug Tobacco is actually a plant that began growing in circa 6,000 B.C. Tobacco was discovered that it could kill a man in 1836 by, a New Englander, Samuel Green. There was an estimated number of 12 million…
According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, tobacco use kills approximately 440,000 Americans each year, with one in every five U.S. deaths the result of smoking. Smoking harms nearly every organ in the body, causes many diseases, and compromises smokers' health in general. Nicotine, a component of tobacco, is the primary reason that tobacco is addictive, although cigarette smoke contains many other dangerous chemicals, including tar, carbon monoxide, acetaldehyde, nitrosamines, and more.…