Lymphatic Study Guide 1 Essay

Submitted By fl4559
Words: 660
Pages: 3

Lymphatic Study Guide
1. What are the three main components of the lymphatic system and their specific function?
Lymph acts as a "middle man" which transports oxygen, food materials, hormones, etc., to the body cells and brings carbon dioxide and other metabolic wastes, from the body cells to blood and then finally pours the same into the venous system
Lymph vessels act as reservoirs for plasma and other substances including cells that have leaked from the vascular system and transport lymph fluid back from the tissues to the circulatory system
Lymph Nodes are important for the proper functioning of the immune system, acting as filters for foreign particles and cancer cells. Lymph nodes do not deal with toxicity, which is primarily dealt with by the liver and kidneys.
2. Describe the three types of lymphatic vessels.
Lymph Capillaries are tiny, thin-walled vessels located in the spaces between cells (except in the central nervous system and non-vascular tissues) which serve to drain and process extra-cellular fluid
Lymphatic’s a vein like vessel conveying lymph in the body.
Lymph Duct is a great lymphatic vessel that empties lymph into one of the subclavian veins. There are two lymph ducts in the body—the right lymphatic duct and the thoracic duct.
3. Describe how lymph is transported in the body.
Lymphatic vessels are usually bundled together in connective tissue sheaths along the blood vessels, and pulsations of nearby arteries also promote lymph flow. Smooth muscle in the walls of all but the small lymphatic vessels contract rhythmically, helping to pump the lymph along.
4. What types of cells are produced by the lymphatic system? Compare and contrast the types.
Lymphocytes, main warriors of immune system, arise in bone marrow. Two main varities of lymphocytes, T cells and B Cells. B cells protect body by producing plasma cells, by secreting antibodies into the blood. T cells manage immune response, directly attack and destroy infected cells.
5. What tissues contribute to the lymphatic system?
Reticular connective tissue, diffuse lymphoid tissue, and lymphoid follicles.
6. What is the primary lymphoid organ? What are the functions?
Lymph Node is a major sites of B, T, and other immune cells. Lymph nodes are important for the proper functioning of the immune system, acting as filters for foreign particles and cancer cells. Lymph nodes do not deal with toxicity, which is primarily dealt with by the liver and kidneys
7. Describe the lymphoid organs and their contribution to the system.
Spleen, large splenic artery and vein, enter and exit the hilum, provides a side