Living the Easy Life
In today’s world we find that more people are using the internet for despicable and sickening practices. They are using the internet for scams and to cheat people out of their money. They lure young people into situations that endanger their lives. The scam artists have thought of ways to steal your private identity and make you out to be someone you are not. Good people are suffering the consequences of criminals. However, if we look further into the subject, we see that the internet is not all bad. There are advantages to the internet. It has made learning, staying in touch with people, and finding direction in life faster and easier. First of all, the internet has made learning faster and easier by making things more accessible. Before the internet if you wanted to research something, you would have had to go to the library or have a whole set of encyclopedias that were really expensive and took up a lot of space. Now you just type in the topic, the same resources you had with a whole set of encyclopedias are right before your eyes. If you didn’t know how to spell a word, you would have to take out the chunky dictionary and find the letter the word began with, and then look through thousands of words to find the right word. Now finding a word that is misspelled just takes the touch of a key. To find an article that was old, you would have to go through tons of microfilm. Now, you just have to type in the topic or the author, and you are there. In addition to research, keeping in touch with people is much easier through the internet. You no longer have to go to the post office to purchase a stamp, and then write a letter, return to the post office and mail the letter. In addition, you would have to wait two to three days for the letter to get to that person, and several days for the person to respond, and then another two to three days for the letter to be returned. Now you just write the letter and press send. In the past paying bills was prolonged because you had to mail the bill, and you would not know if it had made it there until you got a late notice, the power was cut off, or you got your next bill. Now most companies have it set up so that you can pay online with the touch of a button. You can check to see what the amount is, and whether or not it has been paid. Finding people you have lost contact with is also stress free. Just go to Facebook and type in a name, and usually that person pops up. Before the internet, you would have to write a letter to that person and hope he or she still lived at his or her last known address or maybe contact someone that the both of you knew. You may even have to visit the place you last saw him or her. As a result, you may never find who you were looking for. Finally, the internet has made finding your direction less stressful. Before there was internet, there were maps and atlases. They were big and made from paper. They were often torn, wrote on, or things may
I Believe…. Most people think that being a military child is hard, but to me it isn’t and it is the life I have grown up living and I wouldn’t change that for anything. There are times when I feel like nothing can ever go right, but every time I make it through and in the end I am proud to be a military child. The hardest thing is having my dad be deployed all the time, but knowing that he is serving our country so everyone in The United States can live in a free country puts a smile on my…
ld be acknowledged by this generation, for the points encompassed in Transcendentalism are more vital today than ever. Through the writings of Emerson, Thoreau, and Whitman, transcendentalism is explained as the philosophy of striving to live a life of independence, simplicity, and oneness with nature. Ralph Waldo Emerson was the foremost pioneer of Transcendentalism. As many of the Transcendentalists, in SelfReliance he wrote about what it was to be an individual. Transcendentalism is exactly the opposite of "go with the flow…
Tatum July 11, 2012 English 101 Living at home vs. Living on campus Every child has dreams about the day they go off to college and leave mommy and daddy behind. But, most children don’t understand the pros and cons of living at home and living on campus. Living at home can be such a burden on a child. But, living on campus is also a wakeup call for many other students. But, with freedom comes responsibility and that’s where a lot of students fall short. Living at home can be such a burden after…
hard to earn money for take a chance to study abroad. However, study abroad in other country in not easy. We need to prepare the transportation for go to school, find the place to live, and learn the common language to communicate. But those are the good experience when study abroad, you have to do everything by yourself and couldn’t reply to other people. It’s a nice challenge that I expected. Living with the people in other country is really helpful when you study abroad. You will see and learn a…
pasts and had them critique your life? Well, I believe that Thoreau and Emerson would highly disagree with the way I am living my life because I am living a complicated life, I do not question the ways of authority, and I aim to be well known as a hockey player. To start with, both Emerson and Thoreau would disagree with my abstruse life. Henry David Thoreau tests the ideas of Ralph Waldo Emerson about nature by living alone at Walden Pond. There he realizes that living simply upon nature deepens the…
Name: Specific Purpose: To inform my audience about three easy steps to get over a breakup. Organize Pattern: Time Introduction Attention–Getting Opening: Ending a relationship is never easy. But many times we are so caught up in the emotional pain, that we can't think straight, which causes us to make some bad choices. For those of you who are struggling with putting your head back on straight, I’m going to inform you three easy steps to get over breakup. Preview: There are…
American dream was a thought up lifestyle that the immigrants lived by to keep their life going whether or not they were actually living the American dream. Before immigrating to the United States they were told upon arrival that their life would be filled with luxury items, work would come easy and pay well, and their children would grow up living a life worth living. They came to America with this dream of good life and a good government that would protect them but in reality it did the exact opposite…
gatherers. Respond with satisfaction that has came this fare as a society but never forget that are beginning started in the gorgeous open farmland. In day-to-day living it’s so easy to forget about the things that people should be grateful for its just human nature to forget. Twenge states, “We take so many things for granted now that it is easy to forget what things used to be like, especially if you are a member of Generation Me and never saw it with your own eyes” (Twenge181). The aged, exhausted…
single parent home. Were huge impacts on my life. Growing up in tough love wasn’t always easy, near living in poverty, getting verbally bullied; having to fiend for myself all the time. I always wondered what it felt like to live care-free. Atlanta, GA born and raised, outside of my summers, taught me that it’s a Dog-Eat-Dog world, only the strong survive; the early bird gets the worm. Some things I had to attempt on my own no one was holding my hand in life, school, or as I transitioned into womanhood…
youth crime hovering at high levels, many have become disturbed and alarmed. Why do youth crimes are increasing in the different area ? What caused the youth crimes, it is not easy to find the reasons and solutions for this problem, but it is more helpful to see the juvenile offenders’ life situation, such as where are they living and how about their family and college. So what factors lead to this problem and what we can do to solve the problem have become a concern to many people. For my part, the…