Live your dream Essay examples

Submitted By rebel_x
Words: 499
Pages: 2

Bruno sat outside the theatre playing his music with pots and pans; he was very filthy. Ever since morning, he had been playing; he had got nothing, he knew he wasn’t going to get anyone who would be so generous and offer few change. He wasn’t out there just for money, he was out there because he had to help out for his family. Dad and Mum often use to go to work, which meant Bruno would be looked after by his grandparents. Just when, he was about to leave a man had come up to him, he slipped his hand into his pockets and pulled out couple of change. Bountifully he placed the change into Bruno’s cup. Bruno never thought he would actually get some change until now. He looked directly at the cup and thanked the man. He had thought his parents were going to be so proud of him. He ran as fast as he could, straight home he was wondering the faces of his grandparents. He dashed through the door. Everyone was still. Mum’s crying. Grand dad and grand mum stared. “Mum look what I’ve got look.” Bruno spoke to his mum. His mum was still, she didn’t even move an inch. “Bruno, your parents have been divorced.” His grand dad spoke. Bruno was shock than ever. He couldn’t speak. His parents got along, but just a couple of weeks ago, they had a huge, when mum cried the whole night. She had slept when Bruno to keep him safe from everything in life. That night he felt safe than ever, he had always wished that night would stay forever. But Bruno’s parents had moved on to this day. Just before he could react or say anything, Bruno’s dad and came in to the room and wondered what just had been going on. “I have told Bruno, Jackson.” Granddad spoke to Jackson (Bruno’s dad). Bruno had a huge dream to become