Literature Review: Total Quality Management

Words: 2042
Pages: 9

2.0 Introduction:
We are going to discuss the theoretical background and the empirical studies in this chapter.
2.1 Theoretical Background:
2.1.1 H1: The adoption of QMPs is likely to have a direct positive impact on operational performance
Total quality management (TQM) is an interactive organizational-wide strategy that is
Focus towards the continuous improvement of the quality of products and services and processes followed in order to fulfill the customer expectation. (Daniel I. Prajogo, Christopher M. McDermott, 2005); (Michael L. Kiella, Damodar Y. Golhar, 1997); US Department of Commerce, 1994).On the other hand this study is supportive to highlighting the effect of the use of TQM practices on operational

Volberda, Frans A. J. Van Den Bosch, Oli R. Mihalache, 2014).
2.1.5 H5: QMPs have a positive impact on the financial performance mediated by customer management performance and competitiveness
The effective and proper utilization of the firm’s asstes to generate the suitable revenues. It can also be defined as the measurement of the financial strength of the firm with reference to the predefined time period. By this firm may also compare the aggregation among the same industry or field of service.
The scenario of financial performance depends mainly on its internal characteristics. Strategy and performance mainly depend on timings, accessibility and effective and efficient use of financial resources during development and new investments and financial capabilities enable or constrain the strategic decision-making abilities of entrepreneurs and managers ((Gilbert, M.K., Tan, Y.Y., Hart, C.M., 2006); Pissarides, 1999; Zou et al.,

In the related research articles, there has been the positive and close relation among the described variables. As food chain is based on the service and quality, so the articles are searched with respect to those scenarios.
The different modelingtechniques in reviewed articles have been used for analyzing the data and the relationship among the variables. The articles are supportive in nature because in food chain there are so many areas that are lack behind due to ignorance. The place of reviewed material is very much important for understanding the techniques and the methods to be followed for improvements and betterments. There are many best restaurants chain in Pakistan. In addition, among them there is the best competition. However, in market the food streets are taking place due to some top choice restaurants. The help of reviewed articles can generate the proper market growth and profitability