Questions On Oncideres

Submitted By Williey-Wooliey
Words: 771
Pages: 4

# 2 A bacterial species
There bacteria were discovered by scientists in 1982 and defy all previous laws of nature from the center of the Earth because they can survive and reproduce at extremely hot temperatures.
Scientists believe that these bacteria may be ancestors to the human race in some way and suggest that life may have been a possible here much earlier than previously thoughts and perhaps even on other planets that are believed to be too uninhabitable to sustain life.
# 3 Oncideres , a species of beetle encountered by a pathologist in Houston.
1. It seeks and climbs only mimosa tree, ignoring all other kinds of trees in the vicinity.
2. Laying of eggs, which does by crawling out on a limb, cutting a longitudinal slit with her mandible and depositing eggs beneath the slit.
3. Welfare of offspring, beetle larvae cannot survive in live wood, so she backs up a foot or so and cuts a neat circular girdle around limb, through the bark and down into cambium
It is amazing that how these three linked thoughts in bettle's mind evolve together in evolution, becoming a fixed behavior. This mimosa-beetle relationship is a symbiotic partnership that now recognized as pervasive in nature.
# 4 Infectious agent-Scrapie virus.
A fetal disease of the brain in sheep, goats, and other laboratory animals. A close cousin of scrapie is C-J virus, which causes senile dementia in human beings- also called slow viruses."
Nobody has yet been able to find any DNA or RNA in the scrapie or C-J viruses. If may be there, but if so it exists in amounts too small to detect. Also, as far as we know, no protein on Earth does replicate itself all by itself.
# 5 Olfactory receptor cell, located in the epithelial tissue in the nose.
Olfactory receptor cell sniff the air for clues to the environment, the fragrance of friends, and many other smells. It is sad the odor of sanctity.
This population of brain cells, unlike any other nueurons of the vertebrate central nervous system, turns itself over every few weeks, replaced by brand-new cells rewired back in the brain, sensing and remembering the same smell.
# 6 Termite
A critical mass of termite are able to organize themselves in platoons and stack up pellets to the right high, turning the arches to connect the columns, constructing complex architecture system by following the chemical blueprint code in their genes flawlessly.
It is hard to understand how such species, as we assumed to be low intelligent , are capable of doing its architecture and engineering by a complex system of chemical signals.
# 7 Human child
Children are seem unparsimonious to keep expending all energy on a long period of vulnerability and defenselessness, without nothing to show for it, in biological term, be young the feckless, irresponsible please of childhood.
The drive to be useful is encoded in our gene. However, when human get together in a very large