Essay about Let me paint a rainbow for you

Submitted By Eplummer07
Words: 921
Pages: 4

Let me paint a rainbow for you

My wife and I walk into a supermarket, I look up and I notice people staring at us quick glances and I think to myself is that person just curious or do they want to yell at us and call us names or hide their children from us like we are some sort of disease? Fortunately as of today 15 states in the US legally recognize same sex marriage; in addition, several other states and counties have pending same sex marriage litigations ( With facts like this I believe marriage equality is headed in the right direction. Understanding that everyone is created equally, and they should not be judged by their lifestyle. Underneath all of the gender differences the love that is felt is all the same. “Gay Marriage”, written in 2013 by Brittany, is about gay marriage not being the problem, but the ignorance of the people. The essay begins by discussing that gay marriage is not wrong, and that if two people love each other why should they not be allowed to marry. Brittany then discusses that her parents who can’t stand one another, but they have three children and a home with both their names on it. However, Brittany’s cousin is gay, but she and her partner have no children because they are not allowed to adopt or own a house with both their names on it. The essay continues by exploring when people are asked about gay marriage and why or why not it should be banded. The essay concludes by stating gay marriage is not the problem; the problem is the ignorance of the people around it. Marriage equality, gender is no different the love that is felt is all the same I understand where the author is coming from when she states, “Gay marriage is not the problem; it’s the ignorance of the people around it”. People shield themselves with ignorance to avoid the responsibility of change. Understanding that everyone is created equally, and they should not be judged by their lifestyle. Underneath all of the gender differences the love that is felt is all the same. I met my wife Christina about two years ago at Moon Dogs Bar and Grill. Mind you I knew that I liked woman, but I never knew how much I liked them in tell that night. It all seemed like a pretty ordinary night until I came across an old customer from my job at Subway. His name was Stephen. I went up to him asked him how he had been, and what he was up to. He replied, “I am doing good just been working a lot” How have you been? I replied I have been doing good, and I had to get out of the house and have some much needed me time. We sat down and talked for a few min as he told me he was waiting for his friend to get there; never did I know that this woman would turn out to be my wife one year and four months later. Every time I am with my wife, and we are displaying any type of public affection it feels like we are on center stage as we are looked down on by people who don’t believe in marriage equality, and god did not make us to be this way. Well one thing is the staring does not go unnoticed, and honestly it does not matter if you are white, black, homosexual, transsexual, gay, lesbian or straight underneath the love that is felt is the same. Everyone is created equally!

I believe marriage equality is headed in the