Essay on Leonardo Da Vinci

Submitted By Brandon-Ha
Words: 826
Pages: 4

Leonardo Da Vinci's Biography

Leonardo’s story
Leonardo da Vinci the leading artist and intellectual of the Italian Renaissance who's known for his enduring works "The Last Supper" and "Mona Lisa” during the 1480s. Born on April 15, 1452, in Vinci, Italy. Leonardo da Vinci was concerned with the laws of science and nature, which greatly informed his work as a painter, sculptor, inventor and draftsmen. His Idea like the "Virgin of the Rocks," "The Last Supper," "Leda and the Swan" and "Mona Lisa" had influenced many artist and made him the leading light of the Italian Renaissance. The Italians loved him. At the age of 14, Leonardo da Vinci became apprentice with the artist Verrocchio. For six years, he learned things like drawing and sculpting By the age of 20, Da Vinci was qualified as a master artist in the Guild of Saint Luke and established his own workshop. His work had influenced many artists like

His Different Paintings
This man from prominent Italian family name Lorenzo de’ Medici commissioned Da Vinci in 1482 to create a silver lyre and bring it to Ludovico il Moro, the Duke of Milan, as a gesture of peace. Da Vinci did so and then wrote Ludovico a letter describing how his engineering and artistic talents would be of great service to Ludovico's court. His letter successfully endeared him to Ludovico, and from 1482 until 1499, Leonardo was commissioned to work on a great many projects. It was during this time that da Vinci painted "The Last Supper."
Also his most known painting is the Mono Lisa, which is arguably the most famous painting in the world. It was completed between 1505 and 1507. It's been said that the Mona Lisa was a pregnant woman and that she wasn't actually a woman at all, but a man in drag. Da Vinci think that the Mono Lisa is forever in progress so he kept it with him until he was dead. Now the painting is in the Louvre Museum in Paris behind a bulletproof glass.

Leonardo da Vinci was the first ever artist to use value consistently across colors, achieving total unity in which a figure presents a single, swelling, homogeneously generated volume in contrast to the inevitably fragmented effects of color-modeling. Light, color and form are now comparing in a way that approximates, and describes, their scientific and naturalistic behavior. Many would say that it is due to his paintings’ unique effect on viewers, ultimately caused by his impressive scientific approach toward his work. For example, he was one of the few artists who mastered the concept of the “vanishing point”, which involves creating a remarkable sense of depth and three-dimensionality in a two-dimensional frame by drawing strong diagonal lines that intersect in the painting’s background. A great illustration of this technique can be found in one of his most famous paintings, “The Last Supper”. The room in which Jesus and his disciples are sitting appears symmetrical and realistic, a perfect representation of three-dimensional space, whereby the walls seem to be converging inwards. Da Vinci experimented with perspective to create unforgettable impressions of people and places. For example,