Essay about Legalize marijuana?

Submitted By kyledeb1
Words: 903
Pages: 4

Legalize? Some people believe that the use of cannabis by humans should be prohibited. Prohibition is enforced due to the danger of people driving under the influence as seen recently in an accident in Colorado where it is not only decriminalized, but also legal for recreational use. On the other hand, many other people consider the use for their medical reasons to cope with pain, sleep deprivation, and lack of hunger when receiving cancer treatment. There are many different effects on a society with and without the decriminalization of marijuana. New York is on the urge of making marijuana legal for medical use. Many people disagree with this decision for a few reasons. Marijuana smoke contains over 50% more cancer-causing substances than tobacco does. Scientist did research and found out that one little joint(rolled up marijuana) can cause as much damage to the lungs in comparison to 5 cigarettes. Women that smoke marijuana while pregnant can severely damage the fetus and can be born prematurely to an undersized and underweight baby. Studies also show that babies of cannabis users have been born with some problems other than prematurity. Some parents are willing to take this risk to continue the use of cannabis. Some effects include but are not limited to; reduce awareness and decrease the ability to concentrate and strive for goals in life and also can have some mental abnormalities and a higher risk of leukemia. Some people believe that it is an addiction while other constant users say that they just do it to cope with some problems and want to escape the real world. Marijuana could be dangerous not only to your health but also to one's surroundings. Recently in the state of Colorado, marijuana became not only legal to use for medical reasons but for recreational use as well. Since this legalization there has been many incidents of people driving under the influence of marijuana and putting many in danger. Recently, a 23 year old man, Keith Kilbey, was arrested for allegedly driving stoned and smashing into two police patrol cars. Luckily, the officers were not in the car at the time of the accident and nobody was killed or injured. Legalization of marijuana has some severe effects on the society as a whole. Many people believe that marijuana’s benefits outweigh the negative effects it has on ones body. Marijuana is known as a drug and looked at on the same level as aspirin. There is no existing evidence of anyone ever dying from a marijuana overdose. There have also never been any reports of lung cancer related solely to marijuana. There are hundred, even thousands of people hoping for the day to come when marijuana becomes legal in the United States. So many people each day suffer from terrible pain, sleep deprivation, and lack of hunger. With just a simple dosage of THC these problems can be cured. Ingesting marijuana could act as a pain reliever when needed. When one has trouble falling asleep, the simple dosage can make one tired and lazy and put them right to sleep. Some people have trouble eating and are never hungry. Marijuana makes one extremely hungry slightly after ingesting it. Most people call this hunger the “munchies”. THC have been explored as an anti-nausea medication and by simply smoking it, it gives one the desired effect in a matter of seconds. There are proven facts that marijuana helps people in need of medical help. Recently a young girl at the