Essay on legacy systems

Submitted By nullpage
Words: 377
Pages: 2

Replacing Legacy system OR Replacing It
I have read this week posts and they are intriguing! As we have an option of choosing between topics, people expressed their views on the topic they selected and also on the other posts. Before I start my post, I would like to mention few terms I am going to use throughout the post.
TPS - Software Test Program Sets.
COTS –commercial Off The shelf test instrumentation.
FFF – Form, Fit and Function equivalent
Sis – Synthetic instruments
In this post, I am going to discuss about Custom Military/Aerospace Testing system, which come with lot of expense and expense. They spend lot of money on verifying and testing the TPSs which conduct automated testing but obsolescence of some COTS, which are not custom made, makes the whole system a risky factor. Among all the factors complicating the replacement of legacy system, the important factor is the investment already made on the TPSs of the existing obsolete legacy system.
For example, you have a car and one of the parts is broken and need a fix and you have already spent so much money on the paint job. You would definitely try rebuilding the broken part or try some other sources but you wouldn’t buy a new car and pay more for the paint job. You might say’ “Why wouldn’t I would buy a new car!” well, this is easy because we are just talking about $20,000 max but just imagine what amount of money spent makes US military to think about replacing exemplary legacy systems. Count the