Lean journal #4
The Logo Game activity was fun and educational. I felt that the 50 points incentive made it a little bit stressful. I believe that the activity helps me to understand how to apply lean system strategy to maximize the value added in each process of the activity and how to eliminate waste. The aim was to focus on strategy implementation in the three rounds and improve the process of production and satisfy our customers. It is “achieving an optimal work flow while minimizing waste and being flexible and able to change”.
Our team tried to apply different strategies in the three rounds. Our first round looked like we were just focusing on production. We didn’t focus on the priority orders and we were building logo as fast as possible. As a result a lot of work in progress inventory piled up and waste was accumulated. In the end, we had no finished products to give our customer. There was also a lack of communication across departments which led to our failures. We had lots of fixed costs that didn’t add value to the process which led us to lose lots of money. When I asses our first round, almost all the seven type of Muda occurred in our production process. Our team saw improvement on our second and third rounds. We discussed as a team what kind of strategy to implement and tried to look where our bottlenecks were and decided what we could do to improve ourselves. During round 2, we reduced our fixed costs by eliminating two tables and firing an employee and that helped us with an increase in revenue. This time we had less WIP inventories compared to the first one. But still we had lot of late deliveries. The third round we got another oven and speed up our production and saw an increase in revenue again. Overall we did a great job and
International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management Six Sigma vs Lean: Some perspectives from leading academics and practitioners Jiju Antony Article information: Downloaded by Walden University At 07:29 03 May 2015 (PT) To cite this document: Jiju Antony, (2011),"Six Sigma vs Lean", International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, Vol. 60 Iss 2 pp. 185 - 190 Permanent link to this document: http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/17410401111101494 Downloaded on: 03 May 2015, At:…
Kuwait Chapter of Arabian Journal of Business and Management Review Vol. 1, No.4; December 2011 COMPARATIVE STUDY OF LEAN AND AGILE SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT ALONG WITH THE OPTIMAL MODEL PRESENTATION OF AGILE SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT Shahram Gilaninia1 , Mohammad Taleghani2, Seyyed Javad Mousavian3, Taher Kouchaki Tajani4, Seyyedeh Maryam Ghoreishi5, Seyyedeh Fatemeh Shahidi6, Fatemeh Zadbagher Seighalani7 1 Department of Business Management, Guilan Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University…
Lean think Week 7 DB Dominic Rweyendera ID: 15785421 According to Journal of the American College of Surgeons “lean” is a management system designed to enhance productivity by eliminating waste”. Emiliani and Stec, (2005) had framed it in different way; they stated that lean management system is a comprehensive system of management that can apply to any form of organizations. For this reason, I think that - lean transformation in any company or organization requires strong management supports…
location: McGraw-Hill/Irwin Education, New York Year of publication: 2011 Task 2. Use the ‘articles’ search function on the library’s home page to locate the following paper: Strategic marketing and operations relationships: the case of the lean enterprise. Copy and paste the ‘Abstract’ section of the paper in the area below (i.e. before Task 3): (1 mark) Abstract: Commentators are increasingly suggesting that marketing may be suffering a 'mid-life crisis' and that marketing research and…
logistical strategy should contain some common components that supports the company’s overall logistics strategy (Waters, 2003). An effective strategy can be established for any logistical situation utilizing these four components: Agile logistics, lean management, a good relationship with vendors and effective technology systems. Logistical Strategies within the Supply Chain Because supply chain strategy depends on the type of supply chain a company uses, the type of functional strategies…
Bibliography Bharadwaja Munagala Sullivan University References Liker, J. K., & Morgan, J. (2011). Lean Product Development as a System: A case study of body and stamping development at Ford. Engineering Management Journal, 23(1), 16-28. Retrieved from EBSCOhost. The authors in this journal present the case study of body and stamping development at Ford. A System view of a lean product development is presented in integrated people, process, and tools. The approach of this system is derived…
which occur when machines are tied up while works-in-progress are waiting to be continued. Choudhari, S. C., Adil, G. K., & Ananthakumar, U. (2012). Exploratory case studies on manufacturing decision areas in the job production system. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 32(11), 1337-1361.…
The Role of Decoupling Points in Value Chain Management Jan Olhager Abstract All supply chains are not the same. A key factor that affects the design and management of a value chain is the position of the customer order decoupling point; some products are produced to order (e.g. configured to particular customer needs) while others are produced to stock (typically standard products). The customer order decoupling point (CODP) identifies the point in the material flow where the product is linked…
Managing the supply base Creating the lean supply chain Supplier relations & selection Key Topics Agility and Agile Operations Creating the Agile Supply Chain Agile or/and Lean? Creating the Agile Supply Chain– Slide 2 Agility An operations system is agile if it efficiently changes operating states in response to uncertain and changing demands placed upon it. -Narasimhan, et al. 2006. Disentangling leanness and agility: An empirical investigation. Journal of Operations Management, 24(5)…
innovation of new products in any industry. It is a process that focuses on a series of principles, which outline the management and development of new products. Several things are thought to be correlated with product development. Some examples include Lean manufacturing, Just-in time manufacturing, work in process product flow, etc. (Carter, J., & Bradford, J., 2012; Reinertsen, D. , 2009) In the present paper the underlying principles of product development are investigated. It is hypothesized that…