U06d1 Assessment
Team Excellence And Collaborative Team Leader Questionnaire
As with the transformational and Authentic Leadership Theory, the Team Leadership is becoming one of the most utilized approaches in organizations to date. Northouse (2013) reports that its use is very popular and being research in a variety of arenas. The Team is defined by Northouse (2013) as being a group of individuals composed of members who are independent thinkers but share common goals within an organization, and are asked to come together for the good of accomplishing a task. Today teams can have various task and labels such as project teams, improvement teams, and task force teams, the list goes on but they all coordinate their individual talents and strengths to accomplish a single goal.
The Team Theory is effective if the leader is task orientated and have what is said as charisma as with the transformational and authentic leader or path- goal leader, where support and direction is provided .In any case Team leadership is still has a underlying contribution to many leadership theories, due to the fact that the leader is still responsible for motivating the team members (staff employees ) to not only participate but applying their expertise and training to accomplish the mission or goals of the ( organization or business), by setting structured boundaries and framework for how the work will be accomplished.
This can be a great teaching and learning tool for me as future business owner serving customer and clients who have deadlines, and by using the team approach I will be able to bring together those who are stakeholders and experts to use their skills and talents to come up with solutions in a timely fashion .The team approach therefore can reduce tine, cost and effort on designs that are not effective or ineffective to accomplish the their mission.
As with any team or group formations there will be a transitional period that will take place before the group becomes fully engaged and productive. Positive psychology is one theory that can be useful and applicable to show how team or groups behave and remain interactive and functional. The Team Excellence And Collaborative Team Leader Questionnaire (TECTQ) an instrument that is used to measure the effectiveness of the leader’s style and approach can demonstrate their mastery of group management. The leader can promotes a healthy and open collaborative dialogue among its team members, by staying positive. The literature reviewed by (Akrivou, K., Boyatzis, R. E., & McLeod, P. L. 2006) suggest that by drawing from positive psychology .and intentional change theory (ICT), which suggest by (Akrivou et al 2006) is a series of various stages of change; each stage is bound by a positive emotional attractor. And they further suggest that positive emotion becomes critical for intentional group development. This intentional change of the team is activated by the team’s ability to draw from the primary motivation and visions of its idea of what the mission is. The literature by (Akrivou et al 2006) also discusses how at the stage of intentional change, if the team is rooted in positive emotion each stage of change expands the team’s conscious awareness, or mindfulness. At this stage the team transformation can be catalyzed and facilitated by formal or informal positive emotional leadership in the team environment (Akrivou et al 2006).
Research by (Xue, Y., Bradley, J., & Liang, H. 2011), investigated the impact of team climate and empowering leadership on team members'
Leadership theories and approaches. University of People BUS 4402 Professor Edith Koopmans December 28th, 2016 Leadership theories and approaches. In this week’s written assignment I’m going to present the brief overview of leadership theories and to describe in details pros and cons of the different leadership theories (at least 3) and then to discuss how these theories fit with my own personal style. To further entail other requirements, this paper is aimed to be two-page…
As never having researched leadership before I was both intrigued and interested in Hickman’s (2010) collection of passages found in Leading Organizations. Only being in the professional workforce a mere four years I was not savvy to the theories contained in the readings which I found both stimulating and thought-provoking. The different theories, some more or less extreme, all have similar threads woven through them all striving to define the same idea, the ideal leader, where they come from and…
LEADERSHIP THEORIES AND PRINCIPLES I. Introduction Leadership is a process by which a person influences others to accomplish an objective and directs the organization in a way that makes it more cohesive and coherent. Good leaders develop through a never ending process of self-study, education, training and experience. II. Body/Content Leadership theories have emerged through the centuries. They focus on the qualities distinguished between leaders and followers. Others looked at…
LEADERSHIP Leadership • Leadership Perspectives/Theories • Trait theories • Behavioral theories • Contingency theories • Leader-Member Exchange theory • Charismatic Leadership • Transformational Leadership • Challenges to the Leadership Construct • Attribution theory • Substitutes and Neutralizers What Is Leadership? • Leadership • The ability to influence a group toward the achievement of vision or goals • Management • Use of authority inherent in designated formal rank to obtain…
Running head: Leadership Theories Leadership Theories Leadership Theories Leadership is a complex phenomenon, involving the constant interaction of three essential elements: the leader, the followers, and the surrounding situation or context (Wren, 1995, p. 125). Enhancing leadership requires extensive knowledge about each element and the relationships of each element to the other. The execution of this knowledge determines the quality of the leadership skills, which is essential to the…
Leadership Theory Assignment 7013BUSME- 201112- SEM2 Michelle Wood Contents Page Introduction 3 Trait Theory 3-4 Skill Theory 4 Style Theory 4-5 Situational Leadership Theory 5-6 Contingency Theory 6-7 Path Goal Leadership Theory 7-8 Leader Member Exchange Theory 8-9 Transformational and Transactional Leadership 9-10 Authentic Leadership 10-11 Conclusion 11-12 References and Bibliography 13-16…
question, it will be appropriate to look at how classical and humanist theories emerged and outline some of their theories relating to management. Further discussion will be on the role of management in comparison to that of leadership with concluding arguments on how far these theories have influenced modern leadership. The stride towards industrial development in the 19th century led to the emergence of classical management theories with several approaches. One such approach was how managers should…
Leadership Theories Contemporary Issues in Leadership BSA538-MBA3168 The purpose of this paper is to define leadership and management, discuss the functions of leaders and managers in the organizational context, and to compare various leadership theories. Of the theories presented, one will be chosen as the one that best defines leadership and that best leads to organizational success. Leadership is defined as “an influence relationship among leaders and followers who intend real changes…
The employees of their leaders expect effective communication and directions to prevail over their work-related issues via motivational skills. The concept of leadership is made of various components such as personality, ideologies, intellect,…
Applying Leadership Theories Charlene N. Vance Grand Canyon University: EDA-575 October 22, 2014 Applying Leadership Theories In today’s ever changing educational climate, there are a plethora of leadership styles and abilities that can be identified. During the tenure of being in education for over 10 years, there have been many leadership styles that have surfaced over the course of five different administrations in my career. A 1977 U.S. Senate Committee Report on Equal Educational Opportunity…