Leadership Theories Essay

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Pages: 6

Running head: Leadership Theories

Leadership Theories
Leadership Theories Leadership is a complex phenomenon, involving the constant interaction of three essential elements: the leader, the followers, and the surrounding situation or context (Wren, 1995, p. 125). Enhancing leadership requires extensive knowledge about each element and the relationships of each element to the other. The execution of this knowledge determines the quality of the leadership skills, which is essential to the survival of the organization. As noted in Bass (1990), effective leadership makes a difference in the subordinates’ satisfaction and performance while making the difference in whether the organization succeeds or fails. Interest in historical

136). The quality of the relationship determines the bond between the leader and followers with good relationships meaning the bond is cohesive and supportive; or division or lack of respect for the leader indicating a poor relationship with the leader having a low-level of control of the situation.
Behavioral Theories As noted by Chemers (1984) in the Wren text, the failure of the trait approach and the increasing focus on behaviorism in psychology has moved leadership researchers in the direction of the study of leadership behavior. The behavioral theories focus on what leaders do rather than on their personal traits, mental qualities, or characteristics. Chemers further addressed the Leader Behavior Description Questionnaire; identifying leader behaviors such as interpersonal warmth, concern for subordinates feelings and the use of participative two-way communication labeled consideration behavior. These behaviors are noted to be relevant to a leader’s effectiveness and style. Effective leaders demonstrate the behavior they expect of others. As noted in Blanchard and Hersey (2003), excellent leaders know that if they want to gain commitment and achieve the highest standards, they must model commitment and achievement to the followers. Situational leadership is an example of how leaders base the interplay between leaders and followers by the amount of guidance and direction a leader gives, the amount of socio-emotional