Leadership: Leadership and Great Leader Essay examples
Submitted By BriaC
Words: 481
Pages: 2
A great leader is someone who is honest, is good at communicating, humble yet confident, has intuition, and the ability to inspire. Many of our great leaders such as Mahatma Gandhi, Abraham Lincoln, and Martin Luther king Jr. all carried these qualities and more. Being a great leader is not about looking for fame or to just be remembered most times this comes with being a great leader, yet not every time. Think of the leaders out there fighting for our country. These soldiers are just as important as our presidents, and they are in my opinion more important than our celebrities the only difference is they wear uniforms and have mud on their faces. When we were young kids who did we look up to who were our leaders? Mine were my parents. Mothers and fathers across the nation are leaders they lead there children hopefully in the right path but these kids look up to them. You don’t have to lead an army, a country, or a revolution to be great leader and considered a role model. The leaders that I look up to are some of my teachers, my brother, and the well known Gandhi. In 5th grade I had a teacher who was in her mid fifties, she was supposed to retire 5 years before I had her. She was a lady who aged with grace but was still very active and taught well we had story time even though we were older. Ms. Mace was someone I looked up to she lived a full life and went on to teach us and tell us all of our experiences she led us kids to go on and share what she taught us. My other leader that lead me to where I am now I just met this year. His name is
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