Leadership Behaviors Essays

Submitted By rtakidin
Words: 610
Pages: 3

Leadership Behaviors

The Leadership Effectiveness Analysis Tool measures the intention or energy that a manager puts toward 22 leadership and management behaviors. The effectiveness of a manager in any given behavior can only be determined by what the organization needs to best accomplish its purpose. These behaviors are grouped into six sets:

• creating a vision,
• developing followership,
• implementing a vision,
• following through,
• achieving results, and
• team playing.

Creating a vision and developing followership are leadership-oriented behaviors; they are about figuring out where the organization is headed and getting people moving in that direction. Implementing a vision, following through, and achieving results are about implementing the vision; they are more management- oriented behaviors. Team playing is about how the manager relates to people.


Conservative—studying problems in light of past practices to ensure predictability, reinforce the status quo, and minimize risk.
Innovative—feeling comfortable in fast-changing environments; willing to take risks and to consider new and untested approaches.
Technical—acquiring and maintaining in-depth knowledge in your field or area of focus; using your expertise and specialized knowledge to study issues and draw conclusions.
Self—emphasizing the importance of making decisions independently; looking to yourself as the prime vehicle for decision-making.
Strategic—taking a long-range, broad approach to problem-solving and decision-making through objective analysis, thinking ahead, and planning.


Persuasive—building commitment by convincing others and winning them over to your point of view. Outgoing—acting in an extroverted, friendly, and informal manner; showing a capacity to quickly establish free and easy interpersonal relationships.
Excitement—operating with a good deal of energy, intensity, and emotional expression; having a capacity for keeping others enthusiastic and involved.
Restraint—maintaining a low-key, understated, and quiet interpersonal demeanor by working to control your emotional expression.


Structuring—adopting a systematic and organized approach; preferring to work in a precise, methodical manner; developing and using guidelines and procedures.
Tactical—emphasizing the production of immediate results by focusing on short-range, hands-on, practical strategies.
Communication—stating plainly what you want and expect from others; clearly expressing your thoughts and ideas; maintaining a precise and constant flow of information.
Delegation—enlisting the talents of others to help meet objectives by giving them important activities and sufficient