Leadership Annotated Bibliography Essay

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Pages: 9

Leadership Behaviour
Andersen, JA & Hansson, PH 2011,"At the end of the road? On differences between women and men in leadership behaviour", Leadership & Organization Development Journal, vol. 32 no. 5 pp. 428 – 441

In this article Anderson and Hansson explore the behavioural differences between women and men in managerial positions and propose explanations for the differences and similarities. The authors used data gained through questionnaires of public managers, that measured their leadership style, decision making styles, and motivation profile as to eliminate any effects of organizational differences on leadership behaviour. This investigation employs three dimensions of leadership behaviour – leadership style, motivation

Based on the findings in the article, it was concluded that the CVF dimensions, compressed into four quadrant roles, are still relevant and that traits affect the choice of role behaviors. The two sets of research objectives bring leadership roles and causal backgrounds under the umbrella of a single framework, where all four traits plot alongside their corresponding CVF roles. This article is very useful to my research as it gives a very detailed explanation of Leadership traits and it expands upon the knowledge already learned within the classroom.

Ethical Leadership
Dion, M 2012,"Are ethical theories relevant for ethical leadership?", Leadership and Organization Development Journal, vol. 33 no. 1, pp. 4 – 24

The author’s aim of this study was to find out if ethical theories could be connected to some leadership approaches. In the paper eight leadership approaches are selected: directive leadership, self-leadership, authentic leadership, transactional leadership, shared leadership, charismatic leadership, servant leadership, transformational leadership. Five western ethical theories (philosophical egoism, utilitarianism, Kantianism, ethics of virtue, ethics of responsibility) are analysed to see to what extent their basic concepts could be connected to one or the other leadership approach. The main challenge, in this particular article was to connect ethical