Leaders Make a Real Difference in an Organisation’s Performance Essay

Words: 2841
Pages: 12


MMM240 - Organisational Behaviour

Critical Essay

Matthew Acciarito, Student I.D: 900181318
Anthony Camerlengo, Student I.D: 90218998

“Leaders make a real difference in an organisation’s performance”. Explain and critically evaluate this statement.

Leadership is defined as “a special case of interpersonal influence that gets an individual or group to do what the leader wants done” (Wood, J. et al, 2010) this is depicted across society ultimately through developing opportunities on individuals and radiating inspiration and motivation within their scope of influence. Within these qualities over history great leaders have developed detailed theories that are constantly being utilized within successful corporations today.

Individuals that utilize the use of their leadership talents; creating opportunity, inspiring and motivating individuals will evidently result in reaching an optimum level of organisational performance productivity. Throughout history within these abilities leaders have developed several theories to manage the way it is put into practice. Through the past centuries leaders have always played a pivotal role in the triumph of groups, from the times of Genghis Khan, Napoleon and even Hitler, their efforts have exemplified how great leaders can make a major difference to organisations. All leaders tend to have different styles when it comes to commanding their subordinates and as time has progressed they have been categorized into different approaches and theories. The first theory to be thought up was known as the trait theory, and as the years moved on different studies and research was conducted to the point where different types of leadership are studied.
Trait Theory,
The trait theory which identifies different traits between leaders and followers, and assumes that leaders are born not developed. The trait theory takes into account physical and mental attributes of people that appeared to be more successful leaders. This theory took into account things such as height, weight and personality, and rather than study each of those in detail, these characteristics were recognised in effective and ineffective leaders. Therefore people could