Essay on Law Assignment for Child Protection

Words: 2538
Pages: 11

Law Essay Case Study of Stephanie and Stephen.

This essay shall be based on the assumption that I am a Local authority social worker given the case referral of Stephanie and Stephen. The essay shall be focusing on the laws, policy and procedures that will guide through the assessment process of this case and how these can be used to meet the needs of all concerned. The assignment includes discussions on some of the key aspects of framework for the assessment of children in need and their families and The Children’s Act 1989, in particular section 17, duty to safeguard and I will incorporate anti-oppressive and anti-discriminatory practice.

Stephanie and Stephen are under the age of 18, this therefore puts them into the

Neglecting to take a child to see the doctor or dentist can be seen as neglect in some cases. I would also read through old case notes and talk to previous social care professionals that were involved with the family when they were accommodated. Section 20 of the Children Act 1989 defines “the term accommodated child refers to a child or young person for whom the Local Authority has provided accommodation with parental consent” (Children Act 1989)

This is something that can be done without the need to apply to court and it is a way of working in partnership with the parents and empowering the parents to be involved in the ongoing plans for their child. This can be reassessed if the parents becomes uncooperative or inconsistent or commitment to the child. In the event of this the need for care proceeding may be required. (

From the information already received I notice that both Stephanie and Stephen wish to remain with their parents. The intention of the Children Act 1989 is to keep families together and it should only be that a child is removed as a last resort. Section 47 (5a) of the Children Act 1989 (inserted by the Children Act 2004) says that we need to take account of the wishes and feeling of the child. It is important that in the incident that further action is needed I take into account the fact that the children want to remain where they are but I must balance the risk over the choice. Under the Children Act 1989 (6.1) “A decision