Gun Rights Today, the American government believes that armed citizens are a threat to a peaceful society. President Obama and the Democratic Party seem to want to disarm the entire American population. They support the idea that a police state and the government will protect all citizens from every threat. While this is a noble idea; the reality is that citizens are the best judge of their safety in the face of a threat. From the very beginning of the American Experiment that is democracy, the individual citizen has been granted the enalible right to bear arms. The success of the Revolutionary War would not have been possible if the citizens did not have arms. And this, I believe; is the root of the current government’s attempt to disarm the citizens.
Our government would have us believe that the police force and the military will protect everyone from all threats domestic and foreign. While the individual police officer or soldier is a true patriotic American, they still follow the orders and policies of the government. Who will they protect when the will of the people and the will of the government do not agree? This is the same dilemma that the founding fathers of America sought to resolve with the Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America. The Second Amendment protects the right of the individual to keep and bear arm, not merely collective militias, while also ruling that the right is not unlimited and does not prohibit all regulation of either firearms or similar devices. State and local governments are limited to the same extent as the federal government from infringing this right per the incorporation of the Bill of Rights. The Second Amendment was adopted on December 15, 1791, as part of the first ten amendments composing the Bill of Rights.
The Constitution of the United States of America is a living, document that guarantees the citizens of its nation certain unalienable rights. Among those rights is the Second Amendment which guarantees citizens the right to bear arms. This right was added to the Constitution to protect its citizens from those who would do them harm; be it other citizens, a militia, or even a tyrannical government. This amendment has seemingly always been under heavy "fire" from those who feel our nation should not allow ordinary people those not in the employ of the government or in a law enforcement capacity to own a firearm for any reason.
The Second Amendment reads thusly: "A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." "The Second Amendment was based partially on the right to keep and bear arms in English common law and was influenced by the English Bill of Rights of 1689. Sir William Blackstone described this right as an auxiliary right, supporting the natural rights of self-defense, resistance to oppression, and the civic duty to act in concert in defense of the state" (Wikipedia).
Our forefathers, who had been oppressed by the British government and knew very well how it was to live under such tyranny, wanted airtight laws to be established in order to prevent any further oppression. As the drafters of the the law of the "New World", they made certain to include laws about citizens being able to protect themselves. This amendment tells us that we have the right to defend ourselves against those soldiers who would come to our door to take our guns.
Our society says we should hand over our weapons to those who would take them by force. The rights of each individual citizen would be infringed upon if our current presidential administration could have its way. They would tell us to lay down our arms and bow to their will. Stop fighting and do as they say. Our Constitution says we don't have to. The rights of the individual must be considered over society's "needs". Society is wrong to ask this of us, and is
English 101 Everything You’ll Ever Need to Know About Writing a Paper If you’re like me, when it comes to writing a paper, you may feel nervous, unconfident, or just not sure what you want to say. The task of putting your thoughts down onto paper for someone else to read and judge, may seem scary. But if you have the right approach, attitude, and some simple guidelines, you may find that writing can be much easier, and much more enjoyable than you had originally anticipated. Jerome Beaty has…
Bernard Wolley Leadingham English 100A 13 February 2013 How to Ace Your Papers Writing a paper can be an easy process, but you just have to know the right steps in order to compose the perfect paper. While composing the perfect essay, you can use different outlines and methods. They all have similar requirements, but the one I am teaching today is the usual five paragraph essay. This essay includes an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. There should be something that grabs…
page, and show up on every page of the paper. The content of the upper header should contain a shortened version of your paper’s title in all caps, left justified and the page number right justified. NOTE: The phrase, “Running head,” should only be placed on the title page. The remaining pages will only include the shortened title in all caps and the page number. Sample APA Formatted Paper for the TWU School of Management Jane Pioneer (your name) This paper is submitted in partial fulfillment of…
Hero Essay Shaping Sheet NAME ______________________________________ This shaping sheet must be completed in full before you begin typing your essay. Title: Your paper needs an interesting title (not just “Hero Essay”). Don’t get stuck on the title right away; if you can’t think of anything, work on the rest of the essay and come back to the title. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ I. Paragraph 1: Introduction Hook: Grab…
Last Name 1 Student Name Instructor Name Course Title 6 March 2011 Original and Creative Title Centered Here This is the proper format for a paper using Modern Language Association (MLA) formatting. Use a Times New Roman or similar font, size 12. Notice that everything on the page is double-spaced. There is no extra spacing before or after the title, nor is the title in bold, in quotes, underlined, or in a larger font size. The paper is aligned on the left side only. There is never any need for extra…
Notice the paper has a continuous flow; there are no page breaks between sections. The only page breaks occur between the title page and the introduction and the summary/conclusions and the reference page. All references for the case study must appear on a separate page, see the last page of this template. References Use only one reference page for both cases. Also, you must provide…
has a header and page number in the upper right or a running header. It also has the title of the paper, your name, the subject and the teacher’s name and due date centered two spaces down from the header. THE INTRODUCTION. An introduction should have an attention getter first and the thesis last. The attention getter may be from 5-10 or so sentences and is followed by the thesis, which is the last sentence of the introduction. An attention getter can be done in any one of the following ways…
Research Paper (Honors) Due January 18th via Google Doc For this assignment, you will answer a research question that has some kind of social value. You can research any topic approved by the teacher. The topic can be broad and affect society OR be of some personal significance to you. This paper does NOT have to be argumentative, but can be if you choose. Examples of topics include: * Facts about good nutrition are widely known, so why is obesity increasing? * Why do many addicts return…
than one line Author’s name of here Kaplan University Abstract This is a summary of the paper. Single block paragraph. Double Spaced 120 words maximum per page If this was a study, it would include what/who was studied; the process; and the outcome. Title of paper, same as title on title page Text, double spaced – indented paragraphs, left aligned. This is the body of the paper …………. Typically title and reference pages are not included in page counts for submission of an…
IBA6010 final writing assignment Writing assignment – This is your last writing assignment and will count for 80% of your homework grade. You assignment is to write a complete argumentative paper. This paper will contain an introduction section, a supporting evidence section, a counter argument section and a conclusion. The topic of the paper will be the same as the last two papers. You will make two arguments regarding the Ford/Firestone roller problems. Your first argument is whether what…