IBA6010 final writing assignment
Writing assignment –
This is your last writing assignment and will count for 80% of your homework grade. You assignment is to write a complete argumentative paper. This paper will contain an introduction section, a supporting evidence section, a counter argument section and a conclusion. The topic of the paper will be the same as the last two papers. You will make two arguments regarding the Ford/Firestone roller problems. Your first argument is whether what Firestone/Ford did was ethical or unethical. Your second argument will be whether what Firestone/Ford did was legal or illegal. You will make both arguments in your paper. You may use part or all of your previous papers. Review the feedback provided to you from those earlier papers as the same grading rubric will be used for this paper.
I attached three resources for help on writing argumentative papers. If you have not read these websites I highly encourage you to at least read the information provided by the University of Washington website. https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/685/05/ http://www.mesacc.edu/~paoih30491/ArgumentSampleEssays.html http://depts.washington.edu/owrc/Handouts/Argumentative%20Paper%20Format.pdf Attached is a site to help you start your research. http://wps.prenhall.com/bp_laudon_essmis_6/21/5556/1422345.cw/content/index.html. The sources at the end of the article may also be very useful in your research. The paper is to be a maximum of