John Dewey Essay example

Submitted By meolesh
Words: 639
Pages: 3

This would be a very difficult decision to make, all these people still have most of their lives ahead of them and they have been put in one of the most difficult situations anyone has ever been in. Most of these people have a very unique set of skills, they will mainly be put on the boat if they have something to contribute to the group. This will be the survival of the fittest, assuming the group floats to land and even if they don’t they will still need people who will contribute to the group one hundred and twenty percent.

The first person I would save on this lifeboat would have to be the doctor. Even though this man is addicted to drugs and nervous the group will need what he has to contribute, there will be injuries that will happen and they need him to be there when something does happen. The second spot on this boat will be given to the thirty seven year old prostitute, even though she is a prostitute she has very useful skills and already saved one person so she showed how useful she could be.

These decisions that are being made are very difficult ones because these people had lives before this cruise ship ruined their life and they were fighting for their lives. The male criminal will have to be saved, even though no one will trust him and he has made some terrible decisions but he is the only hope the group has of getting somewhere, he is the only one who can navigate the boat. The first married coupled will both be saved, one because the husband can build shelter, second because the wife is most likely good with the motherly instincts needed because she has had to take care of multiple children at home. The couple has very good skills that can contribute to the safety and wellbeing of the group as a whole.

The restaurant owner also has a spot on the lifeboat due to his knowledge of preparing food. The fact that he owns a restaurant shows he has a sense of leadership and is educated in what food we can eat and how to prepare it. I would also save the unemployed veteran even though he might be a little bit crazy due to war he still is very useful. This man crazy or not has