Jesus May Not Be the Messiah Essay

Submitted By jakW1N
Words: 577
Pages: 3

The word Messiah comes from the Hebrew word “Masiach” which means anointed. The definition of anointed is to smear or apply oil onto a person, typically in a religious ritual. Judges, kinds and high priests were all anointed with oil. Christians however, hold another meaning to the word which is savior. Christians believe that Jesus is their Messiah. People of the Jewish faith on the other hand are still waiting for the Messiah because they believe that there are a lot of requirements that Jesus did no fulfill. One issue that Jewish people have with accepting Jesus as their Messiah is that his genealogy does not match what was prophesized. The first rule was that he must be Jewish and one can only truly be considered Jewish is their mother is Jewish. Jesus is Jewish because Mary is Jewish. The other genealogical requirement is that he must be a part of the Tribe of Judah. Under Jewish law the bloodline is determined by the father. Jesus technically has no biological father. Therefore it is impossible for him to fall into any tribe. Some view this as a technicality because if you use either Mary or Joseph(who is the closest resemblance that Jesus has to an Earthly father), he would fall into the tribe of Judah. Besides genealogical differences, there are things that were said in the Bible that Jesus never accomplished. One example can be found in Ezekiel 37:26-28. In those verses it is stated that the Messiah would build the Third Temple. This temple would be a place of prayer and even sacrifice. Christians say that this temple does not need to exist because Jesus completed the ultimate sacrifice by dying on the cross and creating the sacrament of the Eucharist. The Bible also says that the Messiah would begin an era of peace in the world and end all hatred, oppression, suffering and sickness. This information can be found in Isaiah 2:4 and the quote goes “Nation shall not lift up sword against Nation, neither shall men learn war anymore”. Clearly, this was not fulfilled. If Jesus was truly the messiah, the Jewish people feel extremely left out. They feel as if Jesus did not