BIBLIOGRAPHY…………………………………………………………………………………13 THESIS STATEMENT In John’s gospel account, it is clear from the first words of chapter 3, that Nicodemus sees Nicodemus offers his comments to which Jesus replies, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God.” Wow! Where did that come from? Nicodemus must have been saying a few other things to himself, such as; “what on earth did I say to warrant a response like that?” In his book “Messiah”, Jerry D. Thomas makes an excellent point regarding Nicodemus’ first statement and Jesus’ unusual reply when he says, “Jesus didn’t respond to Nicodemus’s words. He looked Nicodemus in the eye and saw into his heart”.[3] John’s description of this exchange between the Teacher of Israel and the Creator of the Universe, can be summed up in one word, “Amazing”. Thomas follows up that Jesus knew Nicodemus was searching for truth and He kindly obliged the old Sanhedrist but saying “I tell you the truth, unless a man is born again, he cannot be in God’s kingdom”.[4] It was clear that Jesus had another agenda and he was not going to waste a single second talking about how great a teacher he was or how pleased he was with being recognized as coming from God. No, God’s ways are not ours, and neither are Jesus’ ways. When He wants to make a point, he will politely listen, but then make His point, almost regardless of what your original commentary may have been. I have experienced this in my life on more than one occasion, and although it can be painful to be constantly